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C#: Returning 'this' for method nesting?

I have a class that I have to call one or two methods a lot of times after each other. The methods currently return void. I was thinking, would it be better to have it return this, so that the methods could be nested? or is that considerd very very very bad? or if bad, would it be better if it returned a new object of the same type? Or what do you think? As an example I have created three versions of an adder class:

// Regular
class Adder
    public Adder() { Number = 0; }

    public int Number { get; private set; }

    public void Add(int i) { Number += i; }
    public void Remove(int i) { Number -= i; }

// Returning this
class Adder
    public Adder() { Number = 0; }

    public int Number { get; private set; }

    public Adder Add(int i) { Number += i; return this; }
    public Adder Remove(int i) { Number -= i; return this; }

// Returning new
class Adder
    public Adder() : this(0) { }
    private Adder(int i) { Number = i; }

    public int Number { get; private set; }

    public Adder Add(int i) { return new Adder(Number + i); }
    public Adder Remove(int i) { return new Adder(Number - i); }

The first one can be used this way:

    var a = new Adder();

The other two can be used this way:

    var a = new Adder()

Where the only difference is that a in the first case is the new Adder() while in the latter it is the result of the last method.

The first I find that quickly become... annoying to write over and over again. So I would like to use one of the other versions.

The third works kind of like many other methods, like many String methods and IEnumerable extension methods. I guess that has its positive side in that you can do things like var a = new Adder(); var b = a.Add(5); and then have one that was 0 and one that was 5. But at the same time, isn't it a bit expensive to create new objects all the time? And when will the first object die? When the first method returns kind of? Or?

Anyways, I like the one that returns this and think I will use that, but I am very curious to know what others think about this case. And what is considered best practice.

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Svish Avatar asked Apr 23 '09 13:04


3 Answers

The 'return this' style is sometimes called a fluent interface and is a common practice.

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Brian Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 22:10


I like "fluent syntax" and would take the second one. After all, you could still use it as the first, for people who feel uncomfortable with fluent syntax.

another idea to make an interface like the adders one easier to use:

public Adder Add(params int[] i) { /* ... */ }
public Adder Remove(params int[] i) { /* ... */ }

Adder adder = new Adder()
  .Add(1, 2, 3)
  .Remove(3, 4);

I always try to make short and easy-to-read interfaces, but many people like to write the code as complicated as possible.

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Stefan Steinegger Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 20:10

Stefan Steinegger

Chaining is a nice thing to have and is core in some frameworks (for instance Linq extensions and jQuery both use it heavily).

Whether you create a new object or return this depends on how you expect your initial object to behave:

var a = new Adder();

var b = a.Add(4)

//now - should a==b ?

Chaining in jQuery will have changed your original object - it has returned this. That's expected behaviour - do do otherwise would basically clone UI elements.

Chaining in Linq will have left your original collection unchanged. That too is expected behaviour - each chained function is a filter or transformation, and the original collection is often immutable.

Which pattern better suits what you're doing?

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Keith Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 22:10
