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How to remove some specific autocomplete in Sublime Text 2?

I have Sublime Text 2 installed with the Emmet package (Windows 7 64bits).

When I type "wid", I want the auto-complete first suggestion to be "width". Problem is, right now it suggests "widows" which is very rarely used.

How can I modify the order of suggestions, or maybe even better, remove the "widows" auto-complete suggestion altogether?

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pnichols Avatar asked Jan 10 '14 15:01


People also ask

How do I turn on suggestions in Sublime Text?

In the Sublime menu go to Preferences > Package Settings > All Autocomplete > Settings – User.

Does Sublime Text have autocomplete?

From the Sublime Text docs: Auto complete shows the completion popup as you type, so you can fill in long words by typing only a few characters. It's enabled by default for source code and HTML (but only after entering a < character).

How do I manage codes in Sublime Text?

You can install any package control in Sublime Text editor using the shortcut key combination Ctrl+Shift+P, and selecting the Package Control: Install Package option. Select the associated package to install in Sublime Text editor. To install Sublime Linter, you need to select the option of SublimeLinter plugin.

2 Answers

Referencing: https://github.com/emmetio/emmet/blob/master/lib/snippets.json

ST3: Emmet: Settings - User

    "disable_completions": false,

    // This solution works to override annoying autocompletions from emmet.
    // I could do without seeing "widows" ever again, but just in case I added it back so that "widows" won't autocorrect to "width"

    "snippets": {
        "css": {
            "filters": "css",
            "profile": "css",
            "snippets": {
                "wid": "width:|;",
                "widows": "widows:|;"

EDIT: The solution of deleting files did not work for me. Hitting tab after typing in "width" still autocompleted to "widows: ;" on my machine.

like image 74
kevbost Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09


  • sublime will slowly 'learn' what you want most


"By default, the selected item in the completion popup will be committed when enter is pressed. This can create ambiguity between committing the completion, and inserting a newline. By setting the auto_complete_commit_on_tab setting to true, enter will insert a newline, and tab will commit the current completion. There are other benefits, too: because Sublime Text knows there is no ambiguity, it will show a more curated list of completions, with the one you want more likely to be in first place.

Enabling Commit on Tab is recommended, but it will take a short time to get used to."

  • if you want to delete a specific snippet:

go to 'preferneces->browse packages'
there should be a 'emmet css snippets' folder there.
inside that folders are all of the snippets available, as invividual files named:
'shortcut'.sublime-snippet (wid.sublime-snippet stands for 'width')

like image 36
Nitsan Baleli Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Nitsan Baleli