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How to make IntelliJ IDEA's Auto Pop-Up Documentation appear every time? [duplicate]

In IntelliJ IDEA, if you type a variable and then hit the period "." button, you get a list of possible members to choose from. If you press Ctrl+Space, you get a documentation window containing further explanations of each member.

As a learner, I want to make this extended documentation pop-up automatically every time. For example, if I'm programming in Java and I type:


I want the documentation window to pop-up every time I select a member, without having to press Ctrl+Space. If you've used Visual Studio to program in C# I think you'll know what I mean.

Going into File->Settings->Editor->Code Completion and changing the autopopup documentation timers did not help.

Visual Studio 2010 implements intellisense extremely well, in my opinion.

like image 409
InvalidBrainException Avatar asked Oct 09 '11 11:10


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How do I enable auto suggestions in IntelliJ?

I have tried the following according to this thread (Intellij IDEA CE 12 Android XML Code Completion not working): Go to File->Power Save Mode and disable it - it is off. Go to Preferences->Editor->Code Completion and check Autopopup code completion - this has been checked.

How do I show documents in IntelliJ?

You can view documentation by placing the caret at a symbol and pressing Ctrl+Q or selecting View | Quick Documentation from the main menu.

1 Answers

Automatic documentation pop-up was designed to work with Ctrl+Space code completion, otherwise you have to use Ctrl+Q to invoke it.

It is not displayed with the new fully automatic code completion introduced in the latest IntelliJ IDEA version, this behavior is by design.

like image 57
CrazyCoder Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10
