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Root element name in collections returned by RESTEasy

I'm using JAX-RS via RestEasy in JBoss AS 6. When my JAX-RS resource returns a collection of items (e.g. via a List), RESTEasy always uses the name collection as the root element.




This XML is generated by e.g.:

public class MyResource {

    public List<Item> getMyItems() {
        return ...

As can be seen the root tag that has been created by RESTEasy is always <collection>.

Jersey on the other hand always creates a name that is the plural form of the element contained in the list:



I know it's possible to create a wrapper type and return that instead of a List, but that's a rather elaborate workaround and makes the code more complicated.

Is it possible to easily specify what the name of the root tag is for collections?

like image 308
Arjan Tijms Avatar asked May 31 '11 19:05

Arjan Tijms

1 Answers

Appeared to be a case of RTFM: RestEasy docs - Arrays and Collections of JAXB Objects

So, if we wanted to output this XML

<foo:list xmlns:foo="http://foo.org">

We would use the @Wrapped annotation as follows:

@Wrapped(element="list", namespace="http://foo.org", prefix="foo")
public List<Customer> getCustomerSet() { ... }

It's thus possible via the @Wrapped annotation. It's a RESTEasy specific one, but this will do for now.

Leaving the question open in case someone has an even better solution (still looking for a global interceptor orso that lets RESTEasy do what Jersey does).

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Arjan Tijms Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 08:11

Arjan Tijms