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How to remove android searchview popup text while searching?

I have implemented action bar SearchView , it's working fine but at the bottom of the screen a floating text popup is shown. See screenshot:

screen short

ListView Java class:

    public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) {

        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(newText)) {
        } else {

            // EventAdapterView ca = (EventAdapterView)mListView.getAdapter();
            // ca.getFilter().filter(newText.toString());

            // Filter lFilter = mDataAdapter.getFilter();
            // lFilter.filter("");
            // following line was causing the ugly popup window.

            // EventAdapterView ca = (EventAdapterView)mListView.getAdapter();
            // ca.getFilter().filter(newText.toString());


        return true;

    public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) {
        return true;

Adapter class

    public Filter getFilter() {
         * A filter object which will filter message key
         * */
        Filter filter = new Filter() {

            protected void publishResults(CharSequence constraint,
                    FilterResults results) {

                mEventUtil = (List<EventUtil>) results.values; // has the
                                                                // filtered
                                                                // values
                notifyDataSetChanged(); // notifies the data with new filtered
                                        // values. Only filtered values will be
                                        // shown on the list

            protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) {

                FilterResults results = new FilterResults(); // Holds the
                                                                // results of a
                                                                // filtering
                                                                // operation for
                                                                // publishing

                List<EventUtil> FilteredArrList = new ArrayList<EventUtil>();

                if (mOriginalValues == null) {
                    mOriginalValues = new ArrayList<EventUtil>(mEventUtil); // mOriginalValues


                if (mListItem == null) {
                    mListItem = new ArrayList<String>();
                    for (EventUtil message : mOriginalValues) {

                 * If constraint(CharSequence that is received) is null returns
                 * the mOriginalValues(Original) values else does the Filtering
                 * and returns FilteredArrList(Filtered)

                if (constraint == null || constraint.length() == 0) {

                     * CONTRACT FOR IMPLEMENTING FILTER : set the Original
                     * values to result which will be returned for publishing
                    results.count = mOriginalValues.size();
                    results.values = mOriginalValues;
                } else {
                    /* Do the filtering */
                    constraint = constraint.toString().toLowerCase();

                    for (int i = 0; i < mListItem.size(); i++) {
                        String data = mListItem.get(i);
                        if (data.toLowerCase().contains(constraint.toString())) {

                    // set the Filtered result to return
                    results.count = FilteredArrList.size();
                    results.values = FilteredArrList;
                return results;
        return filter;

How can I remove this floating TextView ?

like image 771
venu Avatar asked Nov 29 '13 04:11


2 Answers

Try this

first disable TextFilterEnabled on your ListView


and filter your data like this:

android.widget.Filter filter = yourListAdapter.getFilter();

public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return true;

that's it, and the search popup gone like a charm

like image 196
AITAALI_ABDERRAHMANE Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09


If you are using a CursorLoader then you should store the search query in a member variable for later use, instead of using the adapter's filter:


private String mSearchQuery;

and then change the loader creation to work with the search query

public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(final int id, final Bundle args) {
    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mSearchQuery)) {
        return new CursorLoader(
    mSearchQuery = "%" + mSearchQuery + "%";
    return new CursorLoader(
            // add the filtering criteria to the default.
            DEFAULT_SELECTION + " AND " + COLUMN_A + " LIKE ?",
            new String[]{mSearchQuery},

and finally, make sure that you reload the loader

public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) {
    mSearchQuery = newText;
    // calls the above method
            restartLoader(0, null, this);
    return true;
like image 38
Avinash R Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09

Avinash R