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New posts in android-search

After searching for ListView items in Android, always open first item of ListView (Issue)

Android search bar with mic & mic events. Android searchview with mic

Is global search in android still available for developer?

Execute search from action bar

AutoCompleteTextView weird cropping issue on cut/copy/paste menu when onLongClick

Create a Google like instant search in an Android app

Respond Keyboard while Updating UI

How to show Android Google default search results in webview?

Android appcompat API 10 collapse action view

android Search Interface - how to remove app icon when onSearchRequested() called

Android assisted Search: The search button does not invoke the searchable Activity (Other Solutions did not help)

How I Can make Scrolling toolbar with search box like amazone

Passing searching data to Searchable Activity

Change border color of a SearchView

Android use support library to support SearchView

SearchInfo always coming out null

Global search not working as expected in Android 4.4

How to detect SearchView's back button press?

How to change SearchView elements' color?

How to implement Search Bar like gmail app in android? [closed]