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How to read a sqlite3 database, using node js, synchronously?

exports.allProbes = function() {     var rows = db.all("SELECT * FROM probes;");     return rows; }; 

main: var json_values = allProbes(); 

Is it possible to do something like that? I mean, without using a callback function: just, read data (sync mode) from the db. and return a json formatted output?


like image 892
Kreshnik Avatar asked Mar 22 '13 16:03


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1 Answers

There are a few npm packages such as better-sqlite3 and sqlite-sync that allow for synchronous SQLite queries. Here's an example:

var sqlite = require("better-sqlite3"); var db = new sqlite("example.db");  var rows = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM probes").all(); console.log(rows); 
like image 179
vqdave Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 13:11
