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How do you Add or Update a JProperty Value in a JObject





I am currently using the following extension method to perform this task, but it almost seems like there should be some existing included method or extension to perform this (or at least a subset of this). If there isn't anything within Json.NET then what is the recommended process, or how would I change the code below to be closer to the recommended process.

public static partial class ExtensionMethods {     public static JObject SetPropertyContent(this JObject source, string name, object content)     {         var prop = source.Property(name);          if (prop == null)         {             prop = new JProperty(name, content);              source.Add(prop);         }         else         {             prop.Value = JContainer.FromObject(content);         }          return source;     } } 

I can confirm the above code works for basic usage, but I'm not certain how well it holds up to broader usage.

The reason I have this extension returning a JObject is so that you would be able to chain calls (either multiple calls to this extension or to other methods and extensions).


var data = JObject.Parse("{ 'str1': 'test1' }");  data     .SetPropertyContent("str1", "test2")     .SetPropertyContent("str3", "test3");  // { //   "str1": "test2", //   "str3": "test3" // } 
like image 368
pjs Avatar asked May 06 '15 19:05


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1 Answers

as @dbc described in the comment, you can simply use the indexer to make this happen.

var item = JObject.Parse("{ 'str1': 'test1' }");  item["str1"] = "test2"; item["str3"] = "test3"; 

see the fiddle for more details

like image 116
pjs Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10
