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how to pluck email from array of users

If I do User.all.pluck(:email) then it works fine.

But if I do

arr = Array.new
arr = User.all

and then


this is raising following error

undefined method `pluck' for #<Array:0x007f4ff8daf3c8>

which means I cannot use pluck with arrays, so how can we get particular field value from an array of records in just one line like above. I don't want to loop through each record in an array.

like image 248
Rahul Singh Avatar asked Feb 20 '14 07:02

Rahul Singh

4 Answers

pluck is useful to do a minimalist db query.

When you have an array, just use map:

like image 128
apneadiving Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 01:11


Use collect, it's an Array method:

arr.collect{|u| u.email}
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steakchaser Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 00:11


pluck(:x) is the equivalent of select(:x).map(&:x) on an ActiveRecord collection.

If you have an array, Array#map and its alias Array#collect do the same job.

If you use


your query will be like

SELECT users.email FROM users

So, to answer the question, you can NOT use pluck on an array, pluck is an ActiveRecord::Calculations method, not an array one.

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xlembouras Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 01:11


Converting to array this way is a memory hogger. Instead you can use:

arr = User.scoped
arr.pluck :email

or in a more easy to read:

User.scoped.pluck :email

This will make sure that actual user objects are not loaded into memory until they are required.

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Akash Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 01:11
