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Devise confirmable, how to resend a confirmation email on click?

I'm using devise confirmable. I want to give the user a link to click and resend the confirmation email. Problem is, when the user clicks the link, it isn't going to the devise controller. Is there something I'm missing in the routes.rb file? Here is my setup:


devise_for :users, :controllers => { :registrations => "registrations", :sessions => "sessions", :omniauth_callbacks => "authentications" }


devise :omniauthable, :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :confirmable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable

The view:

<a href="/users/confirmation/new" data-remote="true" data-method="post">Resend confirmation</a>


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AnApprentice Avatar asked Mar 09 '12 01:03


3 Answers

to send confirmation instructions to the user you find the user and then just user.send_confirmation_instructions

namespace :user do
  task :resend_confirmation => :environment do
    users = User.where('confirmation_token IS NOT NULL')
    users.each do |user|
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MZaragoza Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 05:11



is a method defined at devise controller which gets the controller resources specific do device resource (User) for example. definition in DeviseController

def resource_params
params.fetch(resource_name, {})

so in order to pass the email as a parameter you neet to include it in a user hash, so in the view instead of

link_to('resend', user_confirmation_path(email: "[email protected]"), :method => :post)                    

insert the email in a Hash

link_to('resend', user_confirmation_path(user: {:email => "[email protected]"}), :method => :post)

this way devise will pick up the email parameter

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bigsolom Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 07:11


Pretty old post. Though, instead of sending the instructions directly, you might just want to point the user to Devise's workflow:

= link_to 'Resend confirmation', new_user_confirmation_path

That'll take the user to Devise's view requesting the email to send the confirmation instructions.

Hope it helps anyone, anyway. :)

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Gabriel Osorio Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 07:11

Gabriel Osorio