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how to pass data from angular material dialog to parent component?

I'm using angular 6 and I have a button which opens a dialog. in my dialog, I have a form that gets user's data and then I have two buttons to submit and cancel. I tried to show my form's data in the console but it returns undefined! whats the problem? here is part of codes:


import { Work } from '../../../../classes/work_shift'; import { DialogContentComponent} from './dialog-content/dialog-content.component'; export class WorkShiftsComponent implements OnInit {  shifts: Work[];   name: string;   start: string;   end: string;   constructor(public dialog: MatDialog, private shiftService: WorkShiftsService) { }    ngOnInit() {   }    openDialog() {     const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(DialogContentComponent, {       width: '640px',       disableClose: true,       data: {name: this.name, start: this.start, end: this.end}     });     dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => {       console.log('The dialog was closed');       console.log(result);//returns undefined     });   } } 


    <mat-dialog-content>   <form class="example-form">     <div fxLayout="column" fxLayoutAlign="space-around" class="form">       <div class="input">         <mat-form-field class="input4">           <input matInput placeholder="Shift name">         </mat-form-field>       </div>       <div>         <mat-form-field class="input input2">           <input matInput placeholder="Start" atp-time-picker>         </mat-form-field>         <mat-form-field class="input input2">           <input matInput placeholder="End" atp-time-picker >         </mat-form-field>       </div>       <br/>     </div>   </form> </mat-dialog-content> <mat-dialog-actions>   <button class="mat-button" mat-button (click)="onClose()">Cancel</button>   <button class="mat-button" mat-button [mat-dialog-close]="data" cdkFocusInitial color="primary">Create</button> </mat-dialog-actions> 
like image 932
fariba.j Avatar asked Aug 13 '18 04:08


People also ask

How do you pass data dialog to component in angular materials?

We can pass data to the dialog component by using the data property of the dialog configuration object. As we can see, the whole data object initially passed as part of the dialog configuration object can now be directly injected into the constructor.

How do you use mat dialog?

Approach: First we need to import 'MatDialog' from '@angular/material/dialog' and we need to create an instance for it in the constructor. Using this instance we can open the dialog box component. Now create a separate component for the dialog and write code as per the requirements.

1 Answers

Check full Tutorial Link

Just pass data back from Dialog component to parent in close() method

enter image description here

//dialog-box.component.ts import { Component, Inject, Optional } from '@angular/core'; import { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material';  export interface UsersData {   name: string;   id: number; }   @Component({   selector: 'app-dialog-box',   templateUrl: './dialog-box.component.html',   styleUrls: ['./dialog-box.component.css'] }) export class DialogBoxComponent {    action:string;   local_data:any;    constructor(     public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<DialogBoxComponent>,     //@Optional() is used to prevent error if no data is passed     @Optional() @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: UsersData) {     console.log(data);     this.local_data = {...data};     this.action = this.local_data.action;   }    doAction(){     this.dialogRef.close({event:this.action,data:this.local_data});   }    closeDialog(){     this.dialogRef.close({event:'Cancel'});   }  } 

Then get event & data objects/values in parent component back

//app.component.ts import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';  import { MatDialog, MatTable } from '@angular/material'; import { DialogBoxComponent } from './dialog-box/dialog-box.component';  export interface UsersData {   name: string;   id: number; }  const ELEMENT_DATA: UsersData[] = [   {id: 1560608769632, name: 'Artificial Intelligence'},   {id: 1560608796014, name: 'Machine Learning'},   {id: 1560608787815, name: 'Robotic Process Automation'},   {id: 1560608805101, name: 'Blockchain'} ]; @Component({   selector: 'app-root',   templateUrl: './app.component.html',   styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent {   displayedColumns: string[] = ['id', 'name', 'action'];   dataSource = ELEMENT_DATA;    @ViewChild(MatTable,{static:true}) table: MatTable<any>;    constructor(public dialog: MatDialog) {}    openDialog(action,obj) {     obj.action = action;     const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(DialogBoxComponent, {       width: '250px',       data:obj     });      dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => {       if(result.event == 'Add'){         this.addRowData(result.data);       }else if(result.event == 'Update'){         this.updateRowData(result.data);       }else if(result.event == 'Delete'){         this.deleteRowData(result.data);       }     });   }    addRowData(row_obj){     var d = new Date();     this.dataSource.push({       id:d.getTime(),       name:row_obj.name     });     this.table.renderRows();    }   updateRowData(row_obj){     this.dataSource = this.dataSource.filter((value,key)=>{       if(value.id == row_obj.id){         value.name = row_obj.name;       }       return true;     });   }   deleteRowData(row_obj){     this.dataSource = this.dataSource.filter((value,key)=>{       return value.id != row_obj.id;     });   }   } 
like image 198
Code Spy Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 01:09

Code Spy