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How to load image (and other assets) in Angular an project?

In my project I am using the following syntax in my app.component.html:

<img src="/assets/img/1.jpg" alt="image">


<img src='http://mruanova.com/img/1.jpg' alt='image'>

use [src] as a template expression when you are binding a property using interpolation:

<img [src]="imagePath" />

is the same as:

<img src={{imagePath}} />

Source: how to bind img src in angular 2 in ngFor?

I fixed it. My actual image file name had spaces in it, and for whatever reason Angular did not like that. When I removed the spaces from my file name, assets/images/myimage.png worked.

Angular-cli includes the assets folder in the build options by default. I got this issue when the name of my images had spaces or dashes. For example :

  • 'my-image-name.png' should be 'myImageName.png'
  • 'my image name.png' should be 'myImageName.png'

If you put the image in the assets/img folder, then this line of code should work in your templates :

<img alt="My image name" src="./assets/img/myImageName.png">

If the issue persist just check if your Angular-cli config file and be sure that your assets folder is added in the build options.

Being specific to Angular2 to 5, we can bind image path using property binding as below. Image path is enclosed by the single quotation marks.

Sample example

<img [src]="'assets/img/klogo.png'" alt="image">

1 . Add this line on top in component.

declare var require: any

2 . add this line in your component class.

imgname= require("../images/imgname.png");
  1. add this 'imgname' in img src tag on html page.

    <img src={{imgname}} alt="">

Normally "app" is the root of your application -- have you tried app/path/to/assets/img.png?