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Make anchor link go some pixels above where it's linked to

People also ask

What is difference between hyperlink and anchor?

Hyperlinks allow you to go from one page to another page. Anchor links allow you to go from one part of the same page to another.

window.addEventListener("hashchange", function () {
    window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, window.scrollY - 100);

This will allow the browser to do the work of jumping to the anchor for us and then we will use that position to offset from.


As was pointed out by @erb, this only works if you are on the page while the hash is changed. Entering the page with a #something already in the URL does not work with the above code. Here is another version to handle that:

// The function actually applying the offset
function offsetAnchor() {
    if(location.hash.length !== 0) {
        window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, window.scrollY - 100);

// This will capture hash changes while on the page
window.addEventListener("hashchange", offsetAnchor);

// This is here so that when you enter the page with a hash,
// it can provide the offset in that case too. Having a timeout
// seems necessary to allow the browser to jump to the anchor first.
window.setTimeout(offsetAnchor, 1); // The delay of 1 is arbitrary and may not always work right (although it did in my testing).

NOTE: To use jQuery, you could just replace window.addEventListener with $(window).on in the examples. Thanks @Neon.


As pointed out by a few, the above will fail if you click on the same anchor link two or more times in a row because there is no hashchange event to force the offset.

This solution is very slightly modified version of the suggestion from @Mave and uses jQuery selectors for simplicity

// The function actually applying the offset
function offsetAnchor() {
  if (location.hash.length !== 0) {
    window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, window.scrollY - 100);

// Captures click events of all <a> elements with href starting with #
$(document).on('click', 'a[href^="#"]', function(event) {
  // Click events are captured before hashchanges. Timeout
  // causes offsetAnchor to be called after the page jump.
  window.setTimeout(function() {
  }, 0);

// Set the offset when entering page with hash present in the url
window.setTimeout(offsetAnchor, 0);

JSFiddle for this example is here

Working only with css you can add a padding to the anchored element (as in a solution above) To avoid unnecessary whitespace you can add a negative margin of the same height:

#anchor {
    padding-top: 50px;
    margin-top: -50px;

I am not sure if this is the best solution in any case, but it works fine for me.

Here's the 2020 answer for this:

#anchor {
  scroll-margin-top: 100px;

Because it's widely supported!

Even better solution:

<p style="position:relative;">
    <a name="anchor" style="position:absolute; top:-100px;"></a>
    I should be 100px below where I currently am!

Just position the <a> tag with absolute positioning inside of a relatively positioned object.

Works when entering the page or through a hash change within page.

Best Solution

<span class="anchor" id="section1"></span>
<div class="section"></div>

<span class="anchor" id="section2"></span>
<div class="section"></div>

<span class="anchor" id="section3"></span>
<div class="section"></div>

  display: block;
  height: 115px; /*same height as header*/
  margin-top: -115px; /*same height as header*/
  visibility: hidden;

This will work without jQuery and on page load.

(function() {
    if (document.location.hash) {
        setTimeout(function() {
            window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, window.scrollY - 100);
        }, 10);

This pure CSS solution works for me.

:target:before {
height:90px; /* fixed header height*/
margin:-90px 0 0; /* negative fixed header height */

i found it here -> https://www.wikitechy.com/tutorials/javascript/offsetting-an-html-anchor-to-adjust-for-fixed-header