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How to list subfolders in Artifactory



I'm trying to write a script which cleans up old builds in my generic file repository in Artifactory. I guess the first step would be to look in the repository and check which builds are in there.

Each build shows up as a subfolder of /foo, so for example I have folders /foo/123, /foo/124, /foo/125/, etc.

There doesn't seem to be a ls or dir command. So I tried the search command:

jfrog rt search my-repo/foo/*

But this recursively lists all files, which is not what I'm looking for. I just need the list of direct subfolders. I also tried

jfrog rt search my-repo/foo/* --recursive=false

but this doesn't return any results, because the search command only returns files, not folders.

How do I list the subfolders of a given folder in an Artifactory repository?

like image 629
Wim Coenen Avatar asked Feb 12 '18 17:02

Wim Coenen

3 Answers

Just one more way to do it with curl and jq

curl -s http://myatifactory.domain:4567/artifactory/api/storage/myRepo/myFolder | jq -r '.children[] |select(.folder==true) |.uri'

Explanation: Curl is used to get the folder info and that is piped to JQ which then displays all the uri keys of the children array whose folder key has value true.

Just for easier understanding - the json that curl gets looks something like this (example from artifactory docs)

"uri": "http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/storage/libs-release-local/org/acme",
"repo": "libs-release-local",
"path": "/org/acme",
"created": ISO8601 (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ),
"createdBy": "userY",
"lastModified": ISO8601 (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ),
"modifiedBy": "userX",
"lastUpdated": ISO8601 (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ),
"children": [
            "uri" : "/child1",
            "folder" : "true"
            "uri" : "/child2",
            "folder" : "false"

and for it the output of the command would be /child1.

Of course here it's assumed that artifactory repo myRepo allows anonymous read.

like image 170
cantSleepNow Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10


You should have a look to AQL (Artifactory Query Langage) here : https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/RTF/Artifactory+Query+Language

as an example the following AQL will retrieve all folders located in "my-repo" under "foo" folder and will display the result ordered by folder's name :


For cleanup you can also have a look at the following example which gives a list of the 10 biggest artifacts created more than a month ago that have never been downloaded :

like image 39
jroquelaure Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10


Based on jroquelaure's answer, I ended up with the following. The key thing that was still missing was that you have to convert the "items.find" call into JSON when putting it in a filespec. There is an example of that in the filespec documentation which I missed at first.

I put this JSON in a test.aql file:

            "items.find" : 

Then I call jfrog rt search --spec=test.aql.

like image 30
Wim Coenen Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 20:10

Wim Coenen