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How to deploy Maven sites to Artifactory?

We have upgraded from a very old Artifactory (which was 6-7 years old). At the time, due to space limitations, part of the repositories were not handled by Artifactory, but were served over HTTP via the Apache httpd server. The artifacts which were served via Apache httpd, were deployed over SCP. We're trying to migrate everything from SCP to HTTPS. We've migrated pretty much everything. However, we are now left with the Maven sites which were also deployed over SCP and served by Apache.

We would like to migrate all these sites over to Artifactory. Do we need a separate kind of repository for this? I couldn't find how this works in Artifactory. Could somebody please provide an explanation, or a link?

Many thanks in advance!

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carlspring Avatar asked Aug 07 '15 14:08


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1 Answers

Artifactory has a great support for serving Maven sites (or any static HTML content) directly out of zip (or jar) files. The feature is called "Content Browsing" and you can allow it in the Local Repository settings. Once allowed, you can drill down to the archive to reach an HTML, and it will be served as it was a regular file in Artifactory.

Here's an example: http://repo.jfrog.org/artifactory/libs-releases-local/org/artifactory/artifactory-papi/%5BRELEASE%5D/artifactory-papi-%5BRELEASE%5D-javadoc.jar!/index.html

This is a javadocs jar served as a deployed html site. Note the ! when you are entering the artifact.

[Update 08/11/15: Due to a bug, currently this works only in the Pro version. We are working to bring this functionality back to OSS version, where it belongs.]

I am with JFrog, the company behind Bintray and [artifactory], see my profile for details and links.

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JBaruch Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09
