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How to JSON serialize sets?

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Is a set JSON serializable?

The Python "TypeError: Object of type set is not JSON serializable" occurs when we try to convert a set object to a JSON string. To solve the error, convert the set to a list before serializing it to JSON, e.g. json. dumps(list(my_set)) .

How do you serialize a set in Python?

Use custom JSON Encoder to make Python set JSON serializable The json. dump() and json. dumps() methods of the json module has a cls kwarg . Using this argument, you can pass a custom JSON Encoder, which tells dump or dumps method how to encode set into JSON formatted data.

How is JSON serialized?

JSON is a format that encodes objects in a string. Serialization means to convert an object into that string, and deserialization is its inverse operation (convert string -> object). If you serialize this result it will generate a text with the structure and the record returned.

How do you make an object JSON serializable?

Use toJSON() Method to make class JSON serializable So we don't need to write custom JSONEncoder. This new toJSON() serializer method will return the JSON representation of the Object. i.e., It will convert custom Python Object to JSON string.

You can create a custom encoder that returns a list when it encounters a set. Here's an example:

>>> import json
>>> class SetEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
...    def default(self, obj):
...       if isinstance(obj, set):
...          return list(obj)
...       return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
>>> json.dumps(set([1,2,3,4,5]), cls=SetEncoder)
'[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]'

You can detect other types this way too. If you need to retain that the list was actually a set, you could use a custom encoding. Something like return {'type':'set', 'list':list(obj)} might work.

To illustrated nested types, consider serializing this:

>>> class Something(object):
...    pass
>>> json.dumps(set([1,2,3,4,5,Something()]), cls=SetEncoder)

This raises the following error:

TypeError: <__main__.Something object at 0x1691c50> is not JSON serializable

This indicates that the encoder will take the list result returned and recursively call the serializer on its children. To add a custom serializer for multiple types, you can do this:

>>> class SetEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
...    def default(self, obj):
...       if isinstance(obj, set):
...          return list(obj)
...       if isinstance(obj, Something):
...          return 'CustomSomethingRepresentation'
...       return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
>>> json.dumps(set([1,2,3,4,5,Something()]), cls=SetEncoder)
'[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "CustomSomethingRepresentation"]'

JSON notation has only a handful of native datatypes (objects, arrays, strings, numbers, booleans, and null), so anything serialized in JSON needs to be expressed as one of these types.

As shown in the json module docs, this conversion can be done automatically by a JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder, but then you would be giving up some other structure you might need (if you convert sets to a list, then you lose the ability to recover regular lists; if you convert sets to a dictionary using dict.fromkeys(s) then you lose the ability to recover dictionaries).

A more sophisticated solution is to build-out a custom type that can coexist with other native JSON types. This lets you store nested structures that include lists, sets, dicts, decimals, datetime objects, etc.:

from json import dumps, loads, JSONEncoder, JSONDecoder
import pickle

class PythonObjectEncoder(JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, obj):
            return {'_python_object': pickle.dumps(obj).decode('latin-1')}
        except pickle.PickleError:
            return super().default(obj)

def as_python_object(dct):
    if '_python_object' in dct:
        return pickle.loads(dct['_python_object'].encode('latin-1'))
    return dct

Here is a sample session showing that it can handle lists, dicts, and sets:

>>> data = [1,2,3, set(['knights', 'who', 'say', 'ni']), {'key':'value'}, Decimal('3.14')]

>>> j = dumps(data, cls=PythonObjectEncoder)

>>> loads(j, object_hook=as_python_object)
[1, 2, 3, set(['knights', 'say', 'who', 'ni']), {'key': 'value'}, Decimal('3.14')]

Alternatively, it may be useful to use a more general purpose serialization technique such as YAML, Twisted Jelly, or Python's pickle module. These each support a much greater range of datatypes.

You don't need to make a custom encoder class to supply the default method - it can be passed in as a keyword argument:

import json

def serialize_sets(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, set):
        return list(obj)

    return obj

json_str = json.dumps(set([1,2,3]), default=serialize_sets)

results in [1, 2, 3] in all supported Python versions.

I adapted Raymond Hettinger's solution to python 3.

Here is what has changed:

  • unicode disappeared
  • updated the call to the parents' default with super()
  • using base64 to serialize the bytes type into str (because it seems that bytes in python 3 can't be converted to JSON)
from decimal import Decimal
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from json import dumps, loads, JSONEncoder
import pickle

class PythonObjectEncoder(JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, (list, dict, str, int, float, bool, type(None))):
            return super().default(obj)
        return {'_python_object': b64encode(pickle.dumps(obj)).decode('utf-8')}

def as_python_object(dct):
    if '_python_object' in dct:
        return pickle.loads(b64decode(dct['_python_object'].encode('utf-8')))
    return dct

data = [1,2,3, set(['knights', 'who', 'say', 'ni']), {'key':'value'}, Decimal('3.14')]
j = dumps(data, cls=PythonObjectEncoder)
print(loads(j, object_hook=as_python_object))
# prints: [1, 2, 3, {'knights', 'who', 'say', 'ni'}, {'key': 'value'}, Decimal('3.14')]

Only dictionaries, Lists and primitive object types (int, string, bool) are available in JSON.

If you need just quick dump and don't want to implement custom encoder. You can use the following:

json_string = json.dumps(data, iterable_as_array=True)

This will convert all sets (and other iterables) into arrays. Just beware that those fields will stay arrays when you parse the JSON back. If you want to preserve the types, you need to write custom encoder.

Also make sure to have simplejson installed and required.
You can find it on PyPi.

If you only need to encode sets, not general Python objects, and want to keep it easily human-readable, a simplified version of Raymond Hettinger's answer can be used:

import json
import collections

class JSONSetEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    """Use with json.dumps to allow Python sets to be encoded to JSON


    import json

    data = dict(aset=set([1,2,3]))

    encoded = json.dumps(data, cls=JSONSetEncoder)
    decoded = json.loads(encoded, object_hook=json_as_python_set)
    assert data == decoded     # Should assert successfully

    Any object that is matched by isinstance(obj, collections.Set) will
    be encoded, but the decoded value will always be a normal Python set.


    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, collections.Set):
            return dict(_set_object=list(obj))
            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

def json_as_python_set(dct):
    """Decode json {'_set_object': [1,2,3]} to set([1,2,3])

    decoded = json.loads(encoded, object_hook=json_as_python_set)

    Also see :class:`JSONSetEncoder`

    if '_set_object' in dct:
        return set(dct['_set_object'])
    return dct