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mongodb: insert if not exists

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How do you insert a document if not exists MongoDB?

Upsert With the findAndModify() Method in MongoDB If a document or the documents found to match the given query criteria, the findAndModify() method updates the document/documents. If no document/documents match the given query criteria, then the findAndModify() method inserts a new document in the collection.

Does MongoDB update insert if not exists?

You can use upsert i.e. whenever you insert a value and it already exist then update would be performed. If the value does not already exist then it would get inserted.

Does MongoDB Create collection if not exists?

If a collection does not exist, MongoDB creates the collection when you first store data for that collection. You can also explicitly create a collection with various options, such as setting the maximum size or the documentation validation rules.

How do I Upsert in MongoDB?

Upsert is a combination of insert and update (inSERT + UPdate = upsert). We can use the upsert with different update methods, i.e., update, findAndModify, and replaceOne. Here in MongoDB, the upsert option is a Boolean value. Suppose the value is true and the documents match the specified query filter.

Sounds like you want to do an "upsert". MongoDB has built-in support for this. Pass an extra parameter to your update() call: {upsert:true}. For example:

key = {'key':'value'}
data = {'key2':'value2', 'key3':'value3'};
coll.update(key, data, upsert=True); #In python upsert must be passed as a keyword argument

This replaces your if-find-else-update block entirely. It will insert if the key doesn't exist and will update if it does.


{"key":"value", "key2":"Ohai."}


{"key":"value", "key2":"value2", "key3":"value3"}

You can also specify what data you want to write:

data = {"$set":{"key2":"value2"}}

Now your selected document will update the value of "key2" only and leave everything else untouched.

As of MongoDB 2.4, you can use $setOnInsert (http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/setOnInsert/)

Set 'insertion_date' using $setOnInsert and 'last_update_date' using $set in your upsert command.

To turn your pseudocode into a working example:

now = datetime.utcnow()
for document in update:
            '_id': document['_id'],
            '$setOnInsert': {
                'insertion_date': now,
            '$set': {
                'last_update_date': now,

You could always make a unique index, which causes MongoDB to reject a conflicting save. Consider the following done using the mongodb shell:

> db.getCollection("test").insert ({a:1, b:2, c:3})
> db.getCollection("test").find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("50c8e35adde18a44f284e7ac"), "a" : 1, "b" : 2, "c" : 3 }
> db.getCollection("test").ensureIndex ({"a" : 1}, {unique: true})
> db.getCollection("test").insert({a:2, b:12, c:13})      # This works
> db.getCollection("test").insert({a:1, b:12, c:13})      # This fails
E11000 duplicate key error index: foo.test.$a_1  dup key: { : 1.0 }

You may use Upsert with $setOnInsert operator.

db.Table.update({noExist: true}, {"$setOnInsert": {xxxYourDocumentxxx}}, {upsert: true})