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How to install Neo4j 2.0+ as a windows service




I am trying out the community edition beta of Neo4j 2.0 for Windows but I can't see a way to install it as a service. The only way to start Neo4j appears to be through neo4j-community.exe, but that requires interactivity to push the start button. The batch file that existed in the 1.X release is gone.

Anyone have any ideas?

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awl Avatar asked Nov 07 '13 13:11


People also ask

Is Neo4j desktop free?

Neo4j Desktop is free to download and includes a Neo4j Enterprise Edition Developer license. This gives you access to all the capabilities and features of Neo4j Enterprise Edition, with the limitation that these can only be used by you and on a single machine.

Where is Neo4j installed?

neo4j-home is your installation directory: C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop.

2 Answers

Use the powershell method now (the bat files are depreciated). There is a good guide here

  1. Download the ZIP file (download page).
  2. Unzip it to C:\neo4j
  3. Open powershell as an administrator and use: C:\neo4j\bin\neo4j install-service
  4. Use the same command for all other operations (ie. C:\neo4j\bin\neo4j restart)

If you run in to problems check the following:

  • Are you running powershell as an administrator?

  • Have you allowed powershell scripts to run (Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted - USE WITH CAUTION).

  • Have you installed java and set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to the java directory (ie. C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_65)?

Old answer (in case it works better for people)

  1. Go to the neo4j download page, and choose other installs. Download the zip file.

  2. Unzip it to C:\neo4j (not essential, but you can copy and paste the example scripts easier).

  3. Follow the instructions here . In brief:

  4. Type: Import-Module C:\Neo4j\bin\Neo4j-Management.psd1

  5. To install the service enter:

    'C:\Neo4j' | Initialize-Neo4jServer -ListenOnIPAddress -PassThru | Install-Neo4jServer -PassThru | Start-Neo4jServer

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ChrisE Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09


If you look here: http://www.neo4j.org/download/other_versions The windows version shows a .zip download. In the bin folder there are the bat files.

Run it as administrator and use the install command to install it as a service.

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LameCoder Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09
