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How to impliment a sidenav Navigation drawer with a (Mini variant)

Angular material 2 community I need your help how to make mini variant like google material design example in angular Material 2.

I try to implement this but I can't make this happen


My code so far

  <!-- ===================================================================== -->   <!-- SIDENAV && SIDENAV CONTAINER -->   <!-- ===================================================================== -->   <mat-sidenav-container>      <mat-sidenav        #adminNavMenu        mode="side"        opened="true"       style="min-width:50px; background: #F3F3F3;"       class="shadow_right" autosize>        <!-- MENU LEFT -->       <app-admin-menu-left></app-admin-menu-left>      </mat-sidenav>     <mat-sidenav-container> 


<mat-nav-list style="min-width:60px;">    <mat-list-item *ngFor="let page of Menus">      <a routerLink="{{page.link}}" routerLinkActive="active"        [routerLinkActiveOptions]="{exact:true}" matLine>       <mat-icon class="home_icon collapse-icon vcenter" mat-list-icon>{{page.icon}}</mat-icon>       <span *ngIf="!showFiller">         {{page.name}}       </span>     </a>   </mat-list-item>   </mat-nav-list>  <button  mat-icon-button (click)="showFiller = !showFiller" mat-raised-button>   <mat-icon *ngIf="!showFiller">chevron_right</mat-icon>   <mat-icon *ngIf="showFiller">chevron_left</mat-icon>  </button> 

And gives me this unexpected result

Result screenshoot

After I click to view the mini bar enter image description here

As you see there is a margin 250 px on mat-sidenav-content but I can't access this element.

Google devtools console +review

Any help to solve this is gonna be useful.


like image 491
George C. Avatar asked Jan 27 '18 19:01

George C.

People also ask

How do I use Sidenav?

Both the main and side content should be placed inside of the <mat-sidenav-container> , content that you don't want to be affected by the sidenav, such as a header or footer, can be placed outside of the container. The side content should be wrapped in a <mat-sidenav> element.

How do I know if my Sidenav mat is open?

A mat-sidenav can be opened or closed using the open(), close() and toggle() methods. Each of these methods returns a Promise that will be resolved with true when the sidenav finishes opening or false when it finishes closing.

How do I turn off Sidenav on click?

Please add (click)="sidenav. hide()" method to the links that should close the sidenav.

1 Answers

I have passed this problem with that solution.

Good luck.

Also, I have made a working example in Stackblitz

enter image description here


    <div>            <mat-sidenav-container>              <mat-sidenav #adminNavMenu mode="side" opened="true" style="min-width:60px; background: #F3F3F3;" class="shadow_right" autosize>                <!-- MENU LEFT -->           <app-admin-menu-left></app-admin-menu-left>              </mat-sidenav>              <!-- ================================================================= -->         <!-- ************************* MAIN CONTAINER ************************ -->         <!-- ================================================================= -->         <mat-sidenav-content [@onSideNavChange]="sideNavState">           <div class="main_container" fxLayout="column" fxLayoutGap="0px" style="height:100vh;">                  <!-- =============================================================== -->             <!-- Your main content -->             <!-- =============================================================== -->                </div>         </mat-sidenav-content>            </mat-sidenav-container>               </div> 


     import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';     import { MatSidenav } from '@angular/material';     import { trigger, state, style, transition, animate } from '@angular/animations';          import { MediatorService } from '@app-services/mediator/mediator.service';          @Component({       selector: 'app-admin-analytics',       templateUrl: './admin-analytics.component.html',       styleUrls: ['./admin-analytics.component.css'],       animations: [         trigger('onSideNavChange', [           state('close',             style({               'margin-left': '60px'             })           ),           state('open',             style({               'margin-left': '250px'             })           ),           transition('close => open', animate('250ms ease-in')),           transition('open => close', animate('250ms ease-in')),         ]),              trigger('onPageReady', [           state('inactive',             style({               opacity: 0.4             })           ),           state('active',             style({               opacity: 1             })           ),           transition('inactive => active', animate('250ms ease-in')),           transition('active => inactive', animate('250ms ease-in')),         ])       ]     })     export class HomeComponent implements OnInit {                 /**        * Get the sidenav state.        */       sideNavState: string = this.mediator.getSideNavState;                    constructor(         private mediator: MediatorService,       ) { }            ngOnInit() {                   // Subscribe on changes important.         this.mediator.sideNavListener.subscribe( state => {           this.sideNavState = state;         });            }               }  


     import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';     import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject';               @Injectable()     export class MediatorService {            APP_VERSION: String = 'v8.3.1.36';            // default value.       // this variable track the value between sessions.       private _sideState: any = 'open';            /** This is the mini variant solution with animations trick. */       sideNavListener: any = new Subject();            get sideNavState() {         return this._sideState;       }            setSidenavState(state) {         this._sideState = state;       }                 constructor() {              this.sideNavListener.subscribe( state => {           this.setSidenavState(state);         });                   }               } 


     <div class="sidenav_menu_left"          [@onSideNavChange]="sideNavState"          style="width:100%; height: 100vh;"          fxLayout="column"          [style.overflow]="overflowState">              <p>Sidenav content left</p>              <!-- this can toggle the sidenav -->         <div fxFlex="100" (click)="toggleSideNav();" class="hoverble"></div>          </div> 


     import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core';     import { MatSidenav } from '@angular/material';     import {trigger, state, style, transition, animate, keyframes, query, group} from '@angular/animations';               // Mediator: the main service, later this service is gonna have more generic use.     import { MediatorService } from '@app-services/mediator/mediator.service';     import { delay } from 'q';               @Component({       selector: 'app-admin-menu-left',       templateUrl: './admin-menu-left.component.html',       styleUrls: ['./admin-menu-left.component.css'],       animations: [              // animate sidenave         trigger('onSideNavChange', [           state('close',             style({               width: '60px'             })           ),           state('open',             style({               width: '250px'             })           ),           transition('close => open', animate('250ms ease-in')),           transition('open => close', animate('250ms ease-in')),              ])            ]     })     export class MenuLeftComponent implements OnInit {                 /**        * Get the sidenav state,        */       sideNavState: string = this.mediator.sideNavState;                 overflowState: any = 'auto';            constructor(         private mediator: MediatorService       ) {            }            ngOnInit() {              this.mediator.sideNavListener.subscribe( state => {           this.sideNavState = state;         });            }            /**        * On animation done.        * @param x        */       animationEvent(x) {         this.overflowState = 'auto';       }            /**        * Toggle the sidenave state.        *        * Hides entire sidenav onclose.        */       setSideNavState() {         this.mediator.toggle().then( snap => {           console.log(snap);         });       }                 /**        * Toggle, Open or close the sidenav.        *        * Set the sidenave state on mediator.        */       toggleSideNav() {              switch (this.sideNavState) {                case 'close':                  this.sideNavState = 'open';             this.mediator.setSideNavState(this.sideNavState);                  setTimeout( () => {{               this.sideNavText      = this.sideNavText === 'open' ? 'close' : 'open';               this.sideNavIcon      = this.sideNavIcon === 'open' ? 'close' : 'open';               this.sideNavCopyRight = this.sideNavCopyRight === 'open' ? 'close' : 'open';             }}, 200);           break;                case 'open':             this.sideNavText      = this.sideNavText === 'open' ? 'close' : 'open';             this.sideNavIcon      = this.sideNavIcon === 'open' ? 'close' : 'open';             this.sideNavCopyRight = this.sideNavCopyRight === 'open' ? 'close' : 'open';                  setTimeout( () => {{               this.sideNavState = this.sideNavState === 'open' ? 'close' : 'open';               this.mediator.setSideNavState(this.sideNavState);             }}, 200);           break;                default:             console.log('#6644');             break;         }              this.overflowState = 'hidden';       }          }  
like image 54
George C. Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09

George C.