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Getting Angular2 error 'No provider for Router! (RouterOutlet -> Router)'

I use Angular2 alpha39 and Babel to transpile the ES6 JS file. I'm not using typescript.

I created a component which displays correctly. I added a router-outlet to the template. When I run the app, I get the error message:

No provider for Router! (RouterOutlet -> Router)

The call stack is:

enter image description here

Here is the snippet of code:


.... // Removed for brevity
<div class="contenttext">
.... // Removed for brevity

Component file:

import { Component, View, bootstrap,  OnInit } from 'angular2/angular2';
import { RouteConfig, RouterOutlet, RouterLink } from 'angular2/router';
import 'reflect-metadata';
import 'winjs';

    selector: 'dashboard-app'
    templateUrl: '../js/dashboard.html',
    directives: [ ContentComponent, FamiliesComponent, RouterOutlet, RouterLink ]
    { path: '/employees', component: EmployeesComponent, as: 'employees'} 
class DashboardAppComponent implements OnInit {
    constructor() {

    onInit() {
        WinJS.UI.processAll().done(function() {
            var splitView = document.querySelector(".splitView").winControl;
            new WinJS.UI._WinKeyboard(splitView.paneElement);

like image 772
wonderful world Avatar asked Oct 17 '15 13:10

wonderful world

2 Answers

you have to use:

  1. ROUTER_BINDINGS in your bootstrap.
  2. in your index.html.
  3. if possible use state i.e as "employees" in capitalize i.r as "Employees". (in alpha 42 i have solve one problem this way).

i hope this will surely help you.


after the relese of alpha41:

  1. ROUTER_BINDINGS has been changed with ROUTER_PROVIDERS .
  2. Router Aliases should be in the camel case manner.
  3. for the Router-outler and router-link you just have to import ROUTER_DIRECTIVES in your directives property in the component annotation.
  4. Router-link expects the value to be an array of route names. for more info. refer here .

for more info regarding Routing you may refer to this tutorial here .


  1. Now ( as of alpha-49) router is exported as ng.router.
  2. (According to alpha-47 all life cycle hooks renamed as.)

    onActivate, onReuse, onDeactivate, canReuse, canDeactivate

    To :--



  1. router-link is changed to routerLink

  2. and routeconfig property changed to:

    {path: '/abc', component: ABC, as: 'abc'} to: {path: '/xyz' , component: XYZ, name: 'xyz'}

--Update 4 --


There are alot of changes has been made in routing in angular2 after RC some of them points i am going to mention here may help someone :-

  1. angular2/router has been changed with @angular/router (also you can use old functionality of routing using import of @angular/router-deprecated but as of now we have to use @angular/router).

  2. @RouteConfig has been changed with @Routes .

for example :-

  {path: '/crisis-center', component: CrisisListComponent},
  {path: '/heroes',        component: HeroListComponent}
like image 103
Pardeep Jain Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09

Pardeep Jain

2.0.0-alpha.36 (2015-08-31)

  • routerInjectables was renamed to ROUTER_BINDINGS

2.0.0-alpha.41 (2015-10-13)



ROUTER_PROVIDERS is used to simplify bootstrapping the router.

It includes:

  • RouterRegistry - the collection of registered routes
  • LocationStrategy = PathLocationStrategy - match by path

ROUTER_PROVIDERS provides 'sane' defaults and should be used unless you need to need a different route LocationStrategy.




bootstrap(DashboardAppComponent, [


  • angular/commit/ccfadb9
  • angular/pr#4654

2.0.0-alpha.38 (2015-10-03)

Route aliases need to be CamelCase (technically PascalCase)

Note: this was mentioned already in Pardeep's answer under #3

If you want to include a link to a route in your template via router-link you have to make sure the alias (ie the name property) of the route is PascalCase.

If you use plan to use router-link modify the route to:

{ path: '/employees', component: EmployeesComponent, name: 'Employees'}

Then you can add the link in your template with:

<a [router-link]="['/Employees']">Employees Link</a>

RouterLink dynamically inserts a href that matches the route path.

Note: Reading the issue/pr it appears this change was made to prevent users from confusing the <route-link> binding with the route url


  • https://groups.google.com/d/msg/angular/IF3_UCJt340/6AgSF76XAwAJ
  • angular/issues#4318
  • angular/pr#4643


If you want to simplify your view directives use ROUTER_DIRECTIVES

It includes:

  • RouterLink
  • RouterOutlet


In the near future, RouterOutlet/<router-outlet> will be renamed to RouterViewport/<router-viewport>


  • angular/issues#4679

Update 2:

  • The RouteConfig property as has been renamed to name


  • angular/commit/7d83959
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Evan Plaice Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09

Evan Plaice