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How to have multiple CSS transitions on an element?

It's a pretty straightforward question but I can't find very good documentation on the CSS transition properties. Here is the CSS snippet:

    .nav a {     text-transform:uppercase;     text-decoration:none;     color:#d3d3d3;     line-height:1.5 em;     font-size:.8em;     display:block;     text-align:center;     text-shadow: 0 -1.5em 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15);     -webkit-transition: color .2s linear;     -moz-transition: color .2s linear;     -o-transition: color .2s linear;     transition: color .2s linear;     -webkit-transition: text-shadow .2s linear;     -moz-transition: text-shadow .2s linear;     -o-transition: text-shadow .2s linear;     transition: text-shadow .2s linear; }  .nav a:hover {     color:#F7931E;     text-shadow: 0 1.5em 0 rgba(247, 147, 30, 0.15); } 

As you can see, the transition properties are overwriting eachother. As it stands, the text-shadow will animate, but not the color. How do I get them both to simultaneously animate? Thanks for any answers.

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Eric Thoma Avatar asked Aug 13 '11 03:08

Eric Thoma

People also ask

Can you have 2 animations in CSS?

You can specify multiple animations--each with their own properties--with a comma.

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That's the concept of multi-step animations in a nutshell: more than one change taking place in the animation from start to finish.

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Specify the Speed Curve of the Transition linear - specifies a transition effect with the same speed from start to end. ease-in - specifies a transition effect with a slow start. ease-out - specifies a transition effect with a slow end. ease-in-out - specifies a transition effect with a slow start and end.

What is the name of the effect of changing one or several CSS properties from a initial to a final state?

With CSS transitions enabled, changes occur at time intervals that follow an acceleration curve, all of which can be customized. Animations that involve transitioning between two states are often called implicit transitions as the states in between the start and final states are implicitly defined by the browser.

2 Answers

Transition properties are comma delimited in all browsers that support transitions:

.nav a {   transition: color .2s, text-shadow .2s; } 

ease is the default timing function, so you don't have to specify it. If you really want linear, you will need to specify it:

transition: color .2s linear, text-shadow .2s linear; 

This starts to get repetitive, so if you're going to be using the same times and timing functions across multiple properties it's best to go ahead and use the various transition-* properties instead of the shorthand:

transition-property: color, text-shadow; transition-duration: .2s; transition-timing-function: linear; 
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coreyward Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 02:10


EDIT: I'm torn on whether to delete this post. As a matter of understanding the CSS syntax, it's good that people know all exists, and it may at times be preferable to a million individual declarations, depending on the structure of your CSS. On the other hand, it may have a performance penalty, although I've yet to see any data supporting that hypothesis. For now, I'll leave it, but I want people to be aware it's a mixed bag.

Original post:

You can also simply significantly with:

.nav a {     transition: all .2s; } 

FWIW: all is implied if not specified, so transition: .2s; will get you to the same place.

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XML Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 02:10