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How to dynamically get the values from Object Type and implement in Expansion panel Angular material?


Displaying the expansion panel name and content Dynamically using Angular material expansion panel using JSON.


I able to place the Panel name Dynamically but for the content, I need to check the JSON in that I have a type key so based on type I need to push that particular functionality that particular div.


          module: "Person Details",
          type: 'table',
          moduleData: [
          module: "Current Location",
          type: 'horizontal-stepper',
          CurrentData: [

here based on type key and I am pushing the moduledata key to the div present what I did was like I manually gave the key names but suppose in future in future if I have objects then I manually cannot set each name in div so is there any dynamically way to do this?

what I did

<div  *ngIf="module.type==='table'">
        <div *ngFor="let moduleKey of getKeys(module.moduleData[0])">
            <div > {{ moduleKey }} </div>
            <div> {{module.moduleData[0][moduleKey]}} </div>

<div style="border-bottom:0;" *ngIf="module.type==='horizontal-stepper'">   
    <div [ngClass]="'col-xs-3' + getStatusClass(step, index, module.CurrentData)" *ngFor="let step of module.CurrentData; let index = index">
      <div><div class="progress-bar"></div></div>
      <div >{{step.step}}</div>
      <div class="bs-wizard-info text-center" *ngIf="isActive(step.status, index, module.CurrentData)">{{step.description}}</div>

IN the code currently, I am implementing a manual way like giving the key name "module.CurrentData"

here I don't want to give name manually like "getStatusClass(step, index, module.CurrentData)"

Here is my stackblitz.

like image 530
Madpop Avatar asked Jul 05 '20 17:07


2 Answers

Here is the updated (generic) version: StackBlitz

  • I have Updated the data to be more generic by adding data property instead of different property name for different types.

Here is the data look like now:

this.data = [{
          module: "Person Details",
          type: 'table',
          data: [
          module: "Current Location",
          type: 'horizontal-stepper',
          data: [
  • I have updated the template code and now you only need to pass data instead of different names for different types.
    <mat-expansion-panel *ngFor="let module of data">

        <div  *ngIf="module.type==='table'">
            <div *ngFor="let moduleKey of getKeys(module.data[0])">
                <div > {{ moduleKey }} </div>
                <div> {{module.data[0][moduleKey]}} </div>

        <div style="border-bottom:0;" *ngIf="module.type==='horizontal-stepper'">   
            <div [ngClass]="'col-xs-3' + getStatusClass(step, index, module.data)" *ngFor="let step of module.data; let index = index">
              <div><div class="progress-bar"></div></div>
              <div >{{step.step}}</div>
              <div class="bs-wizard-info text-center" *ngIf="isActive(step.status, index, module.data)">{{step.description}}</div>

like image 182
Johar Zaman Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 20:11

Johar Zaman

I am not sure this will help you. But in angular, there is a way to iterate over the key-value pairs using keyValuePipe. With this, you will get the key without hardcoding. For example,

<ng-container *ngFor="let module of modules">
  <div *ngFor="let moduleKey of module|keyvalue">
   <!--you can have dynamic key such as moduledata|currentData etc-->
like image 24
gaurav soni Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11

gaurav soni