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How to do Integration Testing for (Angularjs) Web Apps

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What is integration test in angular?

Using Angular integration testing, you can test two or more units of an Angular app that work together to perform a specific task. For example, you can test to verify that your app sends or receives the expected data from a service. Writing integration tests for Angular projects should be a must.

How do I run a test case in AngularJS?

Testing in AngularJS is achieved by using the karma framework, a framework which has been developed by Google itself. The karma framework is installed using the node package manager. The key modules which are required to be installed for basic testing are karma, karma-chrome-launcher ,karma-jasmine, and karma-cli.

What is integration testing for Web applications?

"Integration" testing is a testing level in which a combination of individual software modules is tested as a group. In the context of web applications, it means testing the result of combining client- and server-side code, and accessing it through a browser.

I think I answered this same question in the Protractor google group. I am much of the same mind as you about wanting no server but wanting all of my test code in one place (in Protractor) and not split between Protractor and the browser. To enable this, I took matters into my own hand and developed a proxy for the $httpBackend service which runs within Protractor. It allows one to configure the $httpBackend service as if it were running in Protractor. I have been working on it for a while now and its reasonably full featured at this point. It would be great if you could take a look and let me know if I am missing anything important.


It is an excellent question, which has nothing to do with a particular tool. I had to face the same problem on a big "greenfield" (ie started from scratch) project.

There is a problem of vocabulary here : the word "mock" is used everywhere, and what you called "integration test" are more "full end-to-end automated functional testing". No offence here, it's just that a clear wording will help to solve the problem.

You actually suggested the correct answer yourself : #2 stub the rest server. #1 is feseable but will be soon too hard to develop and maintain, #3 is an excellent idea but has nothing to do with UI testing and UI validation.

To achieve a high reliability of your front-end, independently of your backend, just stub the rest server, i.e. develop a stupid simple REST server that will idempotent, i. e. will ALWAYS answer the same thing to one http request. Keeping the idempotence principle will make development and test, very, very easier than any other option.

Then for one test, you only check what is displayed on the screen (test the top) and what is send to the server (test the bottom), so that the full UI stack is tested only once.

The full answer to the question should deserve an entire blog article, but I hope you can feel what to do from what I suggest.

Best regards

Here is an approach for writing integration tests for your Angular code. The key concept is to structure your code in a way that lets you invoke the various functions in a way very similar to how it's consumed by the UI. Properly decoupling your code is important to be successful at this though:

More here: http://www.syntaxsuccess.com/viewarticle/angular-integration-tests