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Can I use WebRTC to receive a standard RTP video stream?

I have two computers on the same network. One of them transmits a movie (H264) with RTP protocol. Is it possible to create a simple javascript app to receive this stream on the second computer and display in a video tag?

So far my impression of WebRTC is that it's designed to be used between browser (both using WebRTC api), but I want to use it only on the receiving side.

like image 976
Pal Szasz Avatar asked May 24 '13 06:05

Pal Szasz

People also ask

Does WebRTC uses RTP?

WebRTC does NOT use RTP. That is because RTP isn't secured. WebRTC uses SRTP instead which can be viewed as the secure variant of RTP.

How do I get RTP?

By dividing the win and turnover figures generated from a game you can determine the actual RTP. Therefore this game has achieved an actual RTP of 90.42%, which is below the designed RTP.

Is WebRTC a transport protocol?

This article provides an overview of what RTP is and how it functions in the context of WebRTC. Note: WebRTC actually uses SRTP (Secure Real-time Transport Protocol) to ensure that the exchanged data is secure and authenticated as appropriate.

1 Answers

May be this might help Janus-Gateway. This has listed RTP in Dependencies

like image 131
Abhijeet Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 14:09
