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How to delete from Firebase database

Hi i have followed this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIQsQ2injLo

This explains how to save and retrieve from the database, but not how to delete. I am wondering how to delete the database node that belongs to the cell that is being deleted. Thanks

like image 989
Magnus Avatar asked Sep 22 '16 06:09


1 Answers

Edit. Code updated for Swift 3 and Swift 4.

I'm always using the remove with completion handler:

static let ref = Database.database().reference()

static func remove(child: String) {

    let ref = self.ref.child(child)

    ref.removeValue { error, _ in


So for example if I want to delete the following value:

enter image description here

I call my function: remove(child: "mixcloudLinks")

If I want to go deeper and delete for example "added":

enter image description here

I need to change the function a little bit.

static func remove(parentA: String, parentB: String, child: String) {


    ref.removeValue { error, _ in


Called like:

let parentA = "DDD30E1E-8478-AA4E-FF79-1A2371B70700"
let parentB = "-KSCRJGNPZrTYpjpZIRC"
let child = "added"
remove(parentA: parentA, parentB: parentB, child: child)

This would delete just the key/value "added"


In case of autoID, you need to save the autoID into your Dictionary to be able to use it later.

This is for example one of my functions:

func store(item: MyClassObject) {

    var item = item.toJson()

    let ref = self.ref.child("MyParentFolder").childByAutoId()
    item["uuid"] = ref.key // here I'm saving the autoID key into the dictionary to be able to delete this item later
    ref.setValue(item) { error, _ in

        if let error = error {


Because then I'm having the autoID as part of my dictionary and am able to delete it later:

enter image description here

Then I can use it like .child(MyClassObject.uuid).remove... which is then the automatic generated id.

like image 66
David Seek Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 00:10

David Seek