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How to convert boost path type to string?





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How do I convert a filesystem path to string?

To convert a std::filesystem::path to a natively-encoded string (whose type is std::filesystem::path::value_type ), use the string() method. Note the other *string() methods, which enable you to obtain strings of a specific encoding (e.g. u8string() for an UTF-8 string).

What is Boost Filesystem?

The Boost Filesystem Library provides portable facilities to query and manipulate paths, files, and directories. The motivation for the library is the need to be able to perform portable script-like operations from within C++ programs.

You just need to call myPath.string().

I believe you need to do a little more than just convert the path to a string - you should first obtain the canonical version of the path - an absolute path with no symbolic-link elements - and convert that into a string:


P.S. - I've been programming with Boost for ages and I couldn't easily find this info in the docs.

Update (Oct 2017)

Documentation: boost::filesystem::canonical.

But note that as of C++17 there is std::filesystem, with canonical and a lot more.

This worked in wxWidgets: (I know I should just use the wx utilities but it is a test)

void WxWidgetsBoostTestFrame::OnTestBtnClick(wxCommandEvent& event)
    boost::filesystem::path currentPath;
    currentPath = boost::filesystem::current_path();
    std::string curDirString;
    curDirString = boost::filesystem::canonical(currentPath).string();
    wxString mystring(curDirString.c_str(), wxConvUTF8);
    wxMessageBox(mystring); // output:  C:/Users\client\Desktop...      

Calling myPath.generic_string() will do what you need.