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What is the advantage of using forwarding references in range-based for loops?

People also ask

Are range based for loops faster?

Range-for is as fast as possible since it caches the end iterator[citationprovided], uses pre-increment and only dereferences the iterator once. Then, yes, range-for may be slightly faster, since it's also easier to write there's no reason not to use it (when appropriate).

When would you use a range based loop?

Use the range-based for statement to construct loops that must execute through a range, which is defined as anything that you can iterate through—for example, std::vector , or any other C++ Standard Library sequence whose range is defined by a begin() and end() .

What is auto && C++?

The alternatives to auto&& fail in the following ways: auto => will copy the vector, but we wanted a reference auto& => will only bind to modifiable lvalues const auto& => will bind to anything but make it const, giving us const_iterator const auto&& => will bind only to rvalues.

What is a universal reference C++?

In a type declaration, “ && ” indicates either an rvalue reference or a universal reference – a reference that may resolve to either an lvalue reference or an rvalue reference. Universal references always have the form T&& for some deduced type T .

The only advantage I can see is when the sequence iterator returns a proxy reference and you need to operate on that reference in a non-const way. For example consider:

#include <vector>

int main()
    std::vector<bool> v(10);
    for (auto& e : v)
        e = true;

This doesn't compile because rvalue vector<bool>::reference returned from the iterator won't bind to a non-const lvalue reference. But this will work:

#include <vector>

int main()
    std::vector<bool> v(10);
    for (auto&& e : v)
        e = true;

All that being said, I wouldn't code this way unless you knew you needed to satisfy such a use case. I.e. I wouldn't do this gratuitously because it does cause people to wonder what you're up to. And if I did do it, it wouldn't hurt to include a comment as to why:

#include <vector>

int main()
    std::vector<bool> v(10);
    // using auto&& so that I can handle the rvalue reference
    //   returned for the vector<bool> case
    for (auto&& e : v)
        e = true;


This last case of mine should really be a template to make sense. If you know the loop is always handling a proxy reference, then auto would work as well as auto&&. But when the loop was sometimes handling non-proxy references and sometimes proxy-references, then I think auto&& would become the solution of choice.

Using auto&& or universal references with a range-based for-loop has the advantage that you captures what you get. For most kinds of iterators you'll probably get either a T& or a T const& for some type T. The interesting case is where dereferencing an iterator yields a temporary: C++ 2011 got relaxed requirements and iterators aren't necessarily required to yield an lvalue. The use of universal references matches the argument forwarding in std::for_each():

template <typename InIt, typename F>
F std::for_each(InIt it, InIt end, F f) {
    for (; it != end; ++it) {
        f(*it); // <---------------------- here
    return f;

The function object f can treat T&, T const&, and T differently. Why should the body of a range-based for-loop be different? Of course, to actually take advantage of having deduced the type using universal references you'd need to pass them on correspondingly:

for (auto&& x: range) {

Of course, using std::forward() means that you accept any returned values to be moved from. Whether objects like this makes much sense in non-template code I don't know (yet?). I can imagine that using universal references can offer more information to the compiler to do the Right Thing. In templated code it stays out of making any decision on what should happen with the objects.

I virtually always use auto&&. Why get bitten by an edge case when you don't have to? It's shorter to type too, and I simply find it more... transparent. When you use auto&& x, then you know that x is exactly *it, every time.