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How to convert a String to all spaces in Bash?

For formatting purposes, I want to replace all characters of a String with spaces.

STR="some string of unknown length"
SPC="                             " <--- this is what I want

With help of this page, the best I could come up with is this:

SPC=${STR//[a-Z]/ }

But this only replaces letters, not digits or any special characters. What's the placeholder for "any character" with this type of Bash string replacements?

like image 806
dokaspar Avatar asked Dec 03 '15 15:12


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2 Answers

You can use:

str="some string of unknown length"
spc="${str//[^[:space:]]/ }"

[^[:space:]] will match any non-space character and replace it by space.


echo "$str" | wc -c
echo "$spc" | wc -c

PS: You can also do:

spc="${str//?/ }"

to get the string of same length containing only spaces. ? matches any character in glob.

like image 158
anubhava Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 09:11


This is an alternative (no regex/parsing at all) solution:

STR='some string of unknown length.' # Actually 30 chars
# Create an SCP var of the same length of STR filled with spaces (# updated implementation, thanks gniourf_gniourf)
printf -v SCP '%*s' ${#STR}


echo "${STR}"                 # 'some string of unknown length.'
echo "${SCP}"                 # '                              '
echo "Length STR -> ${#STR}"  # 'Length STR -> 30'
echo "Length SCP -> ${#SCP}"  # 'Length SCP -> 30'

How it works:

The printf command writes in variable SCP a string of at least the length equal to the number of chars of STR (${#STR}).

The tricks is in the s not replaced cause there is no further parameter after ${#STR}.

Usage example:

printf '%*s' 3       # '   '
printf '%*s' 3 .     # '  .'
printf '%*s' 3 123   # '123'
printf '%*s' 3 12345 # '12345'
like image 31
Giuseppe Ricupero Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 11:11

Giuseppe Ricupero