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Are there downsides to using Python locals() for string formatting? [duplicate]

This is not a duplicate, as this regards using the newer str.format(), the above linked question is also of lower quality, and I think this question is sufficiently different to justify its canonicity.

The question:

One might expect an error here, but we can provide the str.format method with unused keyword arguments.

>>> '{a}{b}'.format(a='foo', b='bar', c='baz')

This enables code like:

>>> foo = 'bar'
>>> baz = 'fizzbuzz'
>>> '{foo}{baz}'.format(**locals())
>>> baz = datetime.datetime.now()
>>> '{foo}_{baz}'.format(**locals())
'bar_2013-12-20 18:36:55.624000'

Is this a good practice to do inside a closure like a function?

def make_foo_time_string():
    foo = 'bar'
    baz = datetime.datetime.now()
    return '{foo}{baz}'.format(**locals())

What would be the possible downsides? Extra variables loaded using extra cycles? Is this a matter of convenience? I don't recall seeing this used much, would it be considered idiomatic of Python?

Update I have found a canonical suggested usage using the old style string interpolation: https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSpeed/PerformanceTips Nevertheless, it does seem a rather old document.

"Even better, for readability (this has nothing to do with efficiency other than yours as a programmer), use dictionary substitution:"

out = "<html>%(head)s%(prologue)s%(query)s%(tail)s</html>" % locals()
like image 470
Russia Must Remove Putin Avatar asked Dec 20 '13 23:12

Russia Must Remove Putin

People also ask

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Python locals() Function The locals() function returns the local symbol table as a dictionary. A symbol table contains necessary information about the current program.

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Learn about string formatting in Python. String formatting is also known as String interpolation. It is the process of inserting a custom string or variable in predefined text. As a data scientist, you would use it for inserting a title in a graph, show a message or an error, or pass a statement to a function.

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1 Answers

What would be the possible downsides? Extra variables loaded using extra cycles? Is this a matter of convenience? I don't recall seeing this used much, would it be considered idiomatic of Python?

You just hit on the biggest downside: It's not idiomatic.

And the reason it's not idiomatic is, as the Zen says, "Explicit is better than implicit."

Obviously many people would not write '{foo}{baz}'.format(foo=foo, baz=baz) (especially if you get too far beyond 2 variables), because that violates DRY pretty horribly… but there's a way to do this that's just as concise as your code, and at least as explicit, and doesn't require sort-of-advanced-level knowledge like locals:

>>> '{}{}'.format(foo, baz)

This doesn't work when the format string is dynamic, but that's a good thing, because dynamic format strings are usually a red flag.

(Some people have also argued the "static-checking" benefit here—if you embed the names in the format string, you get a much less decipherable error than the simple NameError from using a variable that doesn't exist in the arguments to format. I put this in parentheses near the bottom because I personally don't think this argument is very good, even if I have seen it multiple times…)

However, as with any style/idiom question, there is no universal agreement on this one, and it gets debated regularly on python-list (and python-ideas, when someone suggests a way to make locals() a default for format or the like) until everyone stops paying attention.

like image 177
abarnert Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
