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How to convert a decimal string to binary string?

I have a decimal string like this (length < 5000):

std::string decimalString = "555";

Is there a standard way to convert this string to binary representation? Like this:

std::string binaryString = "1000101011";


This post helps me.

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Denis Avatar asked Mar 20 '23 22:03


1 Answers

As the number is very large, you can use a big integer library (boost, maybe?), or write the necessary functions yourself.

If you decide to implement the functions yourself, one way is to implement the old pencil-and-paper long division method in your code, where you'll need to divide the decimal number repeatedly by 2 and accumulate the remainders in another string. May be a little cumbersome, but division by 2 should not be so hard.

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Sufian Latif Avatar answered Mar 28 '23 12:03

Sufian Latif