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How to construct a set out of list items in python?





People also ask

How do you convert list elements into sets?

We can convert the list into a set using the set() command, where we have to insert the list name between the parentheses that are needed to be converted.

How do I create a list set?

Using set() Function This approach is one of the simplest methods of converting a list into a set. All you need is to use the set() constructor and pass the list as an argument. Syntax: set(list). Created a list having few elements.

Can list be converted into set?

Given a list (ArrayList or LinkedList), convert it into a set (HashSet or TreeSet) of strings in Java. We simply create an list. We traverse the given set and one by one add elements to the list. // Set to array using addAll() method.

If you have a list of hashable objects (filenames would probably be strings, so they should count):

lst = ['foo.py', 'bar.py', 'baz.py', 'qux.py', Ellipsis]

you can construct the set directly:

s = set(lst)

In fact, set will work this way with any iterable object! (Isn't duck typing great?)

If you want to do it iteratively:

s = set()
for item in iterable:

But there's rarely a need to do it this way. I only mention it because the set.add method is quite useful.

The most direct solution is this:

s = set(filelist)

The issue in your original code is that the values weren't being assigned to the set. Here's the fixed-up version of your code:

s = set()
for filename in filelist:

You can do

my_set = set(my_list)

or, in Python 3,

my_set = {*my_list}

to create a set from a list. Conversely, you can also do

my_list = list(my_set)

or, in Python 3,

my_list = [*my_set]

to create a list from a set.

Just note that the order of the elements in a list is generally lost when converting the list to a set since a set is inherently unordered. (One exception in CPython, though, seems to be if the list consists only of non-negative integers, but I assume this is a consequence of the implementation of sets in CPython and that this behavior can vary between different Python implementations.)

Here is another solution:

set(['E:\\', 'D:\\', 'C:\\'])

In this code I have used the set method in order to turn it into a set and then it removed all duplicate values from the list