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ImportError: No module named 'django.core.urlresolvers'

Django 2.0 removes the django.core.urlresolvers module, which was moved to django.urls in version 1.10. You should change any import to use django.urls instead, like this:

from django.urls import reverse

Note that Django 2.0 removes some features that previously were in django.core.urlresolvers, so you might have to make some more changes before your code works. See the features deprecated in 1.9 for details on those additional changes.

if you want to import reverse, import it from django.urls

from django.urls import reverse

You need replace all occurrences of:

from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse


from django.urls import reverse

enter image description here

NOTE: The same apply to reverse_lazy

in Pycharm Cmd+Shift+R for starting replacment in Path.

For those who might be trying to create a Travis Build, the default path from which Django is installed from the requirements.txt file points to a repo whose django_extensions module has not been updated. The only workaround, for now, is to install from the master branch using pip. That is where the patch is made. But for now, we'll have to wait.

You can try this in the meantime, it might help

- pip install git+https://github.com/chibisov/drf-extensions.git@master

- pip install git+https://github.com/django-extensions/django-extensions.git@master

For django version greater than 2.0 use:

from django.urls import reverse

in your models.py file.

use from django.urls import reverse instead of from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse

use this one:

from django.urls import reverse