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How to change iPhone App name 100%!





Can't seem change the name of my iPhone app 100%.

I followed multiple threads and performed the outlined methods below, but the old name keeps popping back up in Console. I'm concerned that on some deeper level the app's name has not really been changed 100%.

My concern is with the fact that I've made a "Lite" version by starting with a copy of the "Full" version. So I don't want the device to get confused if my customers upgrade and download the full version and the device see two apps with the same "CORE or ROOT" name.

Console continues to output:
2010-07-03 10:56:35.129 *OldAppName* [45672.207] Test Message

I have changed the Product_name, ".app" name, Bundle name, etc... - Where does "Console" get this name, so I can truly change the app's name 100%? I don't want an conflicts with the full version down the road as the apps grown independently in complexity. (i.e. Push Notifications, iAds, and other "APP" specific items)

I have performed the following, but still not getting 100% name change:

I. I have used Xcode, Project, Rename.

II. I have used the suggested answer on stackoverflow thread, Changing iPhone App's Name, to

  1. Go to Targets in Xcode,
  2. "Get Info" on your project's target (your current silly development name),
  3. Search for "Product Name" under "Packaging". Change the value of that what you want the new program name is going to be.

My "Product_Name" field was blank for all builds, I changed it to the new name, but I continue to get the console output referencing the OldAppName.

III. I'm not trying to change the "Bundle Name", those are the same, as this is a Lite Version. And changing this does not change the Console reference name anyway, I tried.

IV. I have deleted the entire "Build" folder several times to assure no legacy issues, but the name still does not change.

I'm currently working on a large copy/paste migration over to a new project to try and fix this completely with a new project, because I would like to get app uploaded to the AppStore asap, but there must be a better way of achieving this.

Where does the "Console" get this name? Does this mean that if my customers' download the full version that on some deeper level the device will get confused-(i.e. NSUserDefaults with the same names, running issue, sandbox issues, etc...)?

The names are not stored in the info.plist, they appear to just be referenced from the target, but when I search through the target, I don't even find the OldAppName, is their an additional storage file for this core information?

I would like to stay in Xcode if possible. I have seen suggestions about using other programs or trying to change the XML directly through text editor, but I don't want to accidentally leave a "Third-Party" application marker or trial that might get rejected by Apple Reviewer's as they seem to be coming down hard on this issue.

Any detailed suggestions??

like image 687
Newbyman Avatar asked Jul 03 '10 16:07


1 Answers

I had the same problem about a year ago.

I've got really nice & easy solution for your needs. You need to click on the "superview" of blue icon (Project/Targets) and then hit enter to change the name of the project. You can also double click on that field, but you need to do it with quite a long delay between clicks.

This method will change magically name of the project in all important places.


like image 125
ArturOlszak Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 17:09
