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How can I combine multiple iPhone applications in to one application?



At the moment I have 2 completed iPhone applications. Both these applications must be contained in to one application. I can't have multiple apps on the app store and to avoid confusion among people using these apps I must have them contained to a single application that gives the user the capability to launch any application in the wrapper.

How can I go about doing this. Some of the ideas that crossed my mind are: Building a Framework, or building a library. But Im not even sure if I'm heading in the right direction.

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Toret Avatar asked Jun 16 '10 15:06


People also ask

Is there a way to consolidate iPhone apps?

Touch and hold the Home Screen background until the apps begin to jiggle. To create a folder, drag an app onto another app. Drag other apps into the folder. You can have multiple pages of apps in the folder.

How do I merge iPhone icons?

1) Be on your iPhone Home Screen. 2) Tap and hold any app to enter jiggle mode, then move the finger slightly so that the “-” in the app icon's top-left corner vanishes. 3) Without releasing the finger, select other apps to add them to your bundle. 4) Drag the bundle onto another app, then let go.

How do I consolidate my apps?

On an iPhone or Android device, gently place your finger on an icon and drag it on top of another app. The phone will automatically create a folder containing those two apps. Tap Done.

Can you have two of the same apps on iPhone?

No, it's not possible to install two versions of an app that has the same name.

1 Answers

It seems a little strange to me to want to combine two applications into one, but if your individual applications are reasonably well factored, this should be trivial. Figure out the UI presentation you're going to use to switch between the two applications (tabs, or a list view, or whatever), then set up a navigation controller, adding the "main" views of the two applications.

You then provide a way for the user to transition between the two applications. Piece of cake.

like image 182
Mark Bessey Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10

Mark Bessey