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How to change a class CSS with a Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey script?

I'm trying to set the background image of the body, but only where it uses the class banner_url. The HTML is as follows:

<body id="app_body" class="banner_url desktopapp" data-backdrop-limit="1"> 

Basically, I would like to force the page to use the following CSS instead:

.banner_url {     background: url('http://www.pxleyes.com/images/contests/kiwis/fullsize/sourceimage.jpg') no-repeat center center fixed;     -webkit-background-size: cover;     -moz-background-size: cover;     -o-background-size: cover;     background-size: cover; } 

I am trying to do this using Greasemonkey if it makes any difference. Does anyone know how I can go about this? I started with the following, however haven't had much luck:

function randomBG(){     document.getElementsByClassName("banner_url").style.backgroundImage="url('http://www.pxleyes.com/images/contests/kiwis/fullsize/sourceimage.jpg')no-repeat center center fixed;"; }  randomBG(); 
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Xeo Avatar asked Oct 15 '13 15:10


People also ask

Is greasemonkey the same as Tampermonkey?

Tampermonkey is used to run so-called userscripts (sometimes also called Greasemonkey scripts) on websites. Userscripts are small computer programs that change the layout of a page, add or remove new functionality and content, or automate actions.

How do I write a script for Tampermonkey?

Tampermonkey has it's own built-in editor. Just hit the Tampermonkey button and select Dashboard. To get a new script, hit the little + tab in the upper right. You'll get a nice template with an IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) that you should put all your code in to avoid global namespace pollution.

1 Answers

For this, just use the CSS cascade. Add a style sheet to the page with GM_addStyle().

  • We use the !important flag to cover certain potential conflicts.
  • Use @run-at document-start (or use Stylus, see below) to minimize "flicker" associated with changing styles after the initial render.

A complete script:

// ==UserScript== // @name     _Override banner_url styles // @include  http://YOUR_SERVER.COM/YOUR_PATH/* // @grant    GM_addStyle // @run-at   document-start // ==/UserScript==  GM_addStyle ( `     .banner_url {         background: url('http://www.pxleyes.com/images/contests/kiwis/fullsize/sourceimage.jpg') no-repeat center center fixed !important;         -webkit-background-size: cover !important;         -moz-background-size: cover !important;         -o-background-size: cover !important;         background-size: cover !important;     } ` ); 

Note that if you are using Greasemonkey 4, it has busted GM_addStyle() (and a great many other things).
It is strongly recommended that you switch to Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey.
In fact, Greasemonkey's controlling developer says as much himself.

In the mean time, here's a shim for those masochists that persist with GM4:

function GM_addStyle (cssStr) {     var D               = document;     var newNode         = D.createElement ('style');     newNode.textContent = cssStr;      var targ    = D.getElementsByTagName ('head')[0] || D.body || D.documentElement;     targ.appendChild (newNode); } 

Also, for pure CSS manipulation, the Stylish Stylus extension is a better choice than Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey.

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Brock Adams Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09

Brock Adams