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How to bind to model with Angular Material <mat-button-toggle>?

Take a look at this Plunker: https://plnkr.co/edit/yu95hUrKlUh4Ttc5SwYD?p=preview

When I'm using <mat-slide-toggle>, I am able to modify the values in my component:

<mat-slide-toggle [(ngModel)]="myFlagForSlideToggle">Toggle me!</mat-slide-toggle>

myFlagForSlideToggle is updated as expected.

But when I'm using <mat-button-toggle>, the values are not updated. I had to add ngDefaultControl to even make this example work, but I'm not sure how it matters.

<mat-button-toggle [(ngModel)]="myFlagForButtonToggle" ngDefaultControl>Toggle me!</mat-button-toggle>

What is the correct way to bind a button state to the component?

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Mateusz Stefek Avatar asked Nov 02 '17 19:11

Mateusz Stefek

People also ask

How to give toggle button in angular?

To create a toggle button or on/off button with angular material design and animations, the Angular <mat-button-toggle> directive is used. These buttons can be configured to behave like either radio buttons or checkboxes so that a single selection or multiple selections can be done on the buttons.

How do you use a toggle mat button?

By default, mat-button-toggle-group acts like a radio-button group- only one item can be selected. In this mode, the value of the mat-button-toggle-group will reflect the value of the selected button and ngModel is supported. Adding the multiple attribute allows multiple items to be selected (checkbox behavior).

What is Mat-button-toggle?

Mat-button-toggle buttons are configured to behave as radio buttons or checkboxes. They are part of <mat-button-toggle-group>. <mat-button-toggle> are on/off toggles with the appearance of a button. These toggles can be configured to behave as either radio-buttons or checkboxes.

What is the use of toggle in angular?

The <mat-button-toggle>, an Angular Directive, is used to create a toggle or on/off button with material styling and animations. mat-button-toggle buttons can be configured to behave as radio buttons or checkboxes.

Video Answer

2 Answers

MatButtonToggle component doesn't implement ControlValueAccessor therefore you can't use ngModel on it. ngDefaultControl was introduced for other purposes.

MatButtonToggle is supposed to be a part of mat-button-toggle-group. But if you want to use it as a standalone component and bind model to it here is some example of how you can do it:

  (change)="myFlagForButtonToggle = $event.source.checked">
    Toggle me!

Plunker Example

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yurzui Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 22:10


If you are trying to use mat-button-toggle to switch between enabling / disabling something, you will have to use a binding on mat-button-toggle-group, and make sure that the mat-button-toggle's themselves have the boolean values of true and false, not the string values. That is to say:

<mat-button-toggle-group [(ngModel)]="isEnabled">
    <mat-button-toggle [value]="true"> Enable </mat-button-toggle>
    <mat-button-toggle [value]="false"> Disable </mat-button-toggle>
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Andrew Favaloro Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 00:10

Andrew Favaloro