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Angular 2 right click events?

I am building an interactive web application with Angular2 and I am looking for a way to capture right clicks on an angular component. I also need to prevent the browser context menu appearing on a right click so I can display my own custom context menu.

I know that in angular 1, you had to create a custom directive to capture a right click event. Is this still the case in Angular 2, or is it built in/is there an easier way of doing it? I've had a look through some previous SO questions but they do not relate to Angular2.

How can I accomplish capturing right clicks and preventing the browser context menu from appearing in Angular2?

like image 782
JavascriptLoser Avatar asked Jan 16 '17 05:01


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1 Answers

In Angular 2+, you can capture any event like:

<div (anyEventName)="whateverEventHandler($event)"> </div> 

Note that $event is optional, and the return of the function is the return of the event handler, so, you can return false; to avoid default browser action from the event.

In your case the event name is contextmenu. So, your code can be something like this:

@Component({   selector: 'my-app',   template: `     <div (contextmenu)="onRightClick($event)">       Right clicked       {{nRightClicks}}       time(s).     </div>   `,   // Just to make things obvious in browser   styles: [`     div {       background: green;       color: white;       white-space: pre;       height: 200px;       width: 200px;     }   `] }) export class App {   nRightClicks = 0;    constructor() {   }    onRightClick() {     this.nRightClicks++;     return false;   } } 

Here's a full working example:

like image 88
Meligy Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 03:10
