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How long should it take for someone to be able to type code from memory? [closed]

I understand that this question could be answered with a simple sentence and that it may be viewed as subjective, however, I am a young student who is interested in pursuing a career in programming and wondered how long it took some of you to get to the level of experience you are now?.

I ask this because I am currently working on building an application in Java on the Android platform and it bothers me that I am constantly having to look up how to write a certain section of code in my application such as writing to a database, or how the if statement should be structured.

My question really is, how long did it take for you to become experienced enough to actually know exactly how your next line of code was going to look, before you even wrote it?

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jcrowson Avatar asked Mar 25 '10 20:03


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Andy: — You have written that code and you don't remember it now. Is it even normal? You: — Yes, it's completely normal.

Do you need good memory for coding?

If there's one thing to remember, just remember that having a good memory to code is not an absolute requirement to become a proficient developer (and remember to Google things also!).

Is it too late for me to code?

The simple answer is, no. There are many job opportunities in tech for coders of all ages. Although it may take some effort to study relevant programming languages, there is no reason you can't learn to code in your 30s and beyond.

How long should you code for?

On average, you should spend about 2 – 4 hours a day coding. However, efficient coding practice isn't really about the depth of time spent writing or learning codes but rather benchmarked on the individual's consistency over a given time.

2 Answers

The speed at which you can quickly recall language syntax, common library functions, and best practice patterns is directly proportional to the amount of time you spend using them.

In other words you will find yourself getting faster the more you do it.

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Andrew Hare Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 12:11

Andrew Hare

I have been a C++ programmer for the last 20 years. It has taken me that long to get to this expertise level. I'm mostly a Windows programmer, and I keep the msdn website up on one of my monitors all the time.

Doesn't matter how long you've been doing it. You will never know everything from memory. Don't sweat it.

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John Dibling Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 12:11

John Dibling