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How does yum compare versions?

We have a web app we package into an RPM. We have a problem with the version field of the RPM.

Let's say we have installed our rpm: foo-

007 is our build number.

Now when we try to install a newer rpm, foo-, yum says "There's nothing to update".

When I've remade the RPMs, but removed the leading zeroes, the problem was solved:



According to this link each segment of the version is compared as an integer, but practice shows otherwise.

So my question is: What is the version comparison algorithm for RPM and why leading zeroes interfere?

like image 829
Asaf Mesika Avatar asked Jun 08 '10 09:06

Asaf Mesika

1 Answers

Yum just asks rpm to compare them. You can install rpmdevtools, and you then use:

% rpmdev-vercmp foo- foo-
0:foo- is newer

...which is what you'd expect. Unless you have an epoch in the 007 package, I'm not sure why you are getting a different answer. What version of rpm do you have? What does vercmp say for you?

like image 132
James Antill Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09

James Antill