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fast way to find if two strings have a character in common

I have various string comparison and diff algorithms, but at some point, before I apply them I want to find if two strings have at least one character in common. This way I will be able to skip more complex functions. So I need a very fast function in JavaScript that will find if string A and string B has at least one common character.

First I was thinking to create a character map for a string A, and then check every character in a string B against that map until something is found. But then I realized that if both strings are huge and they have a common first character, this will be inefficient to create a full map for string A.

UPDATE: someone answered with using indexOf(), this confuses me. Maybe the phrase "have character in common" means the same as "string is a substring of another"? Let me give an example of what I want:

For example JavaScript and Stop and stay have a character S in common. Other example would be please look right and break the ice they have a character k in common.

like image 771
exebook Avatar asked Dec 19 '13 07:12


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1 Answers

Simplest method would be to loop through each letter in one string and see if the other contains any of the single letters.

You can't really get more efficient than to go over each letter unless the strings are sorted in alphabetical order to start with.

function anythingInCommon(a, b){
    if( b.length < a.length )
        return anythingInCommon(b, a)

    for( var i = 0, len = a.length; i < len; i++ ) 
        if(b.indexOf(a[i]) != -1)
            return true;
    return false

  anythingInCommon("aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbccccc", "xc"),
  anythingInCommon("aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbccccc", "x")

Fiddler: http://jsfiddle.net/LRxGK/4/

like image 142
JensB Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 09:09
