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How do you logout of Neo4j Web admin console



Using Neo4J v2.2.3 community version.

From inside web admin console does anyone know of any way to log out?

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Ray Avatar asked Jul 02 '15 16:07


People also ask

How do I log into my Neo4j browser?

The neo4j browser on chrome can now be accessed using the HTTP address: http://localhost:7474/browser/ . Another way is to work on the neo4j database using a cypher shell. Later, when the database is not needed, stop the server using the command “neo4j stop”.

How do you exit a cypher shell?

Running Cypher Shell within the Neo4j distribution Note that Cypher queries must end with a semicolon.

How do I change my Neo4j username and password?

start the Neo4j server. - Open the url( in browser. - click on Database icon from left side menu. - Find "Connected as" -> :server user add , click on and add your desire user name and password in right windows.

1 Answers

type this in tnto the browser's input line:

:server disconnect
like image 124
Stefan Armbruster Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 10:10

Stefan Armbruster