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Cheerio: How to select element by text content?


I have some HTML like this:

<span id="cod">Code:</span> <span>12345</span> <span>Category:</span> <span>faucets</span> 

I want to fetch the category name ("faucets"). This is my trial:

var $ = cheerio.load(html.contents); var category = $('span[innerHTML="Category:"]').next().text(); 

But this doesn't work (the innerHTML modifier does not select anything).

Any clue?

like image 332
MarcoS Avatar asked Jan 10 '16 19:01


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1 Answers

The reason your code isn't working is because [innerHTML] is an attribute selector, and innerHTML isn't an attribute on the element (which means that nothing is selected).

You could filter the span elements based on their text. In the example below, .trim() is used to trim off any whitespace. If the text equals 'Category:', then the element is included in the filtered set of returned elements.

var category = $('span').filter(function() {   return $(this).text().trim() === 'Category:'; }).next().text(); 

The above snippet will filter elements if their text is exactly 'Category:'. If you want to select elements if their text contains that string, you could use the :contains selector (as pointed out in the comments):

var category = $('span:contains("Category:")').next().text(); 

Alternatively, using the .indexOf() method would work as well:

var category = $('span').filter(function() {   return $(this).text().indexOf('Category:') > -1; }).next().text(); 
like image 152
Josh Crozier Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 13:11

Josh Crozier