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Resolving tasks in VSTS / VSO (Agile Template)


I have created a new project in VSTS (Visual Studio Online) using the Agile Template.

I have created a sprint, and added a user-story. Within the user-story I have some tasks.

On the sprint Kanban board there are 4 columns;

  • New
  • Active
  • Resolved
  • Closed

I can move tasks from New to Active, but cannot move them from Active to Resolved.

How do I do this?

like image 761
Mark Cooper Avatar asked May 30 '16 10:05

Mark Cooper

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2 Answers

This confusing behavior is because the Agile Template shows both Bugs and Tasks on the same board view. While Tasks have a New -> Active -> Closed workflow, bugs have an additional Resolved step.

Your task should transition directly from Active to Closed.

You bugs will be able to rest a bit in the Resolved column before being dragged all the way to Closed.

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jessehouwing Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10


To recall your question:

I can move tasks from New to Active, but cannot move them from Active to Resolved.

This is also not a problem in Azure DevOps but the standard process (Agile workflow states). The following are the steps that can be used for the workflow in the standard process:

  • User Story (New, Active, Removed, Resolved, Closed)
  • Bug (New, Active, Resolved, Closed)
  • Task (New, Active, Removed, Closed)

enter image description here

In Azure DevOps, however, this workflow can be adapted. For this the process must be modified. Here you can also add Resolved for a task within the workflow. Role "Collection administrator" is needed.

via Organization settings / Boards / Process / Agile (default) ... Create inherited process

Further information and picture source under https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/boards/work-items/guidance/agile-process-workflow?view=vsts

and https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/azure/devops/organizations/settings/work/manage-process?view=vsts&tabs=new-nav#create-inherited-process

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Daniel Brenner Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10

Daniel Brenner