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How do I setup the api-stub in an ember-cli app?

I’m setting up a basic app using ember-cli and am running into trouble with the api-stub with ember-data. I've referenced the api-stub README and have referenced the ember guides, but can't figure out what I'm missing. I’m a bit of a noob, so forgive any obvious oversights on my part.

Here's my setup...


server.get('/listings', function(req, res) {
  var listing = {
    "listing": [{
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Sunny 1-bedroom",
      "unit_type": "1br / 1ba",
      "description": "Roomy 1-bedroom apartment in pre-war walkup. Gets great morning light from the south."
      "id": 2,
      "title": "Large 2-bedroom",
      "unit_type": "2br / 1.5ba",
      "description": "Roomy 2-bedroom apartment in pre-war walkup. Gets great morning light from the south."



var ApplicationAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
    namespace: 'api'

export default ApplicationAdapter;


  "APIMethod": "stub",


this.resource('listings', function() {
    this.resource('listing', { path: '/:listing_id' });


var ListingsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
    model: function() {
        return this.store.findAll('listing');

export default ListingsRoute;


var attr = DS.attr,
    hasMany = DS.hasMany,
    belongsTo = DS.belongsTo;

var Listing = DS.Model.extend({
  title: attr(),
  unit_type: attr(),
  description: attr()

export default Listing



In console it shows a 404 for …/api/listings and ember inspector in chrome is showing no records.

Any help much appreciated!

like image 957
Joe Avatar asked Mar 23 '14 03:03


4 Answers

As of recently, ember-cli now supports API stubbing. I also got it working with the following example setup (very similar to your original setup):


var ApplicationAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({namespace: 'api'});

export default ApplicationAdapter;


    "APIMethod": "stub",


export default Ember.Route.extend({
    model: function() {
        return Ember.RSVP.hash({
            foos: this.store.findAll('foo'),
            bars: this.store.findAll('bar')

    setupController: function(controller, models) {
        controller.set('foos', models.foos);
        controller.set('bars', models.bars);


var Router = Ember.Router.extend({
  location: ENV.locationType

Router.map(function() {
    this.resource('foos', function() {
        this.resource('foo', { path: '/:foo_id' });

    this.resource('bars', function() {
        this.resource('bar', { path: '/:bar_id' });

export default Router;


module.exports = function(app) {
    app.get('/api/foos', function(req, res) {
            'foos': [ 


module.exports = function(app) {
    app.get('/api/bars', function(req, res) {
            'bars': [ 
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SwarmIntelligence Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10


I asked Stefan Penner about this via Twitter, and here was his response:

@caretpi API stub does not work in cli. We hope to have it integrated soon though

— Stefan Penner (@stefanpenner) April 1, 2014

There's an issue open on GitHub: https://github.com/stefanpenner/ember-cli/issues/153

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Robert Strohmeyer Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 07:10

Robert Strohmeyer

As of version 0.0.41 use the http-mock and http-proxy blueprints. See my answer here for using http-mock. Use http-proxy like so:

>ember g http-proxy projects http://localhost:8080/

After applying this fix (kudos @tstirrant) to the generated proxy code, it will work as expected. ie. it will proxy localhost:4200/projects to localhost:8080/projects

Update: In version 0.0.46 the generator includes 'the fix' so it's no longer needed.

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GOULETGOULET Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 06:10


To configure the stub API you need to edit package.json.

  • Set the APIMethod to stub to use these express-server stub routes.
  • Set the method to 'proxy' and define the proxyURL to pass all API requests to the proxy URL, eg. http://localhost:8000

Update - this is my working setup


server.namespace('/api', function() {
  server.get('/posts', function(req, res) {


"name": "myapp",
"namespace": "appkit",
"APIMethod": "stub",
"proxyURL": "http://localhost:8000",
"proxyPath": "/api",

Now, an ajax GET request to http://localhost:8000/api/posts responds with the mock array.

Hope this works for you.

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intuitivepixel Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 06:10
