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Testing an ember-data model - can't find relationship

I am trying to test a model relationship in an ember-cli application but it keeps telling me: No model was found for 'rateType'. It appears that it can't find my models.



Account Model

export default DS.Model.extend({
    rateType: DS.belongsTo('rateType'),


import Ember from 'ember';
import { test, moduleForModel } from 'ember-qunit';
import Account from 'app/models/account';
import RateType from 'app/models/rate-type';

moduleForModel('account', 'Account Model', {
  // Specify the other units that are required for this test.
  needs: ['model:rate-type']

test('rateType relationship', function() {
    this.subject(); //error here
//    var relationships = Ember.get(Account, 'relationships');
//    deepEqual(relationships.get('rate-type'), [
//        { name: 'rateType', kind: 'belongsTo' }
//    ]);

I have tried camel casing the needs attribute butit does not like that at all. needs: ['model:rateType', 'model:fuelGroup']

like image 665
jax Avatar asked Jul 11 '14 04:07


2 Answers

I think what you need is the needs keyword:

moduleForModel('post', 'Unit | Model | post', {
  needs: ['model:comment', 'model:user']

I found it in the docs here: http://guides.emberjs.com/v1.10.0/testing/testing-models/

like image 188
iamdtang Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 21:10


Your issue is with the model. Try dasherizing 'rate-type' in the belongsTo relationship.

export default DS.Model.extend({
    rateType: DS.belongsTo('rate-type')
like image 3
jheth Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 22:10
