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How to access nested object in json with Ember data

I'm using Ember data and having a hard time figuring out get ember to recognize nested properties in my JSON response from the server. This is ember-1.0.0-pre.4.js.

Currently, I've set up associated models with Ember data revision 11. Here the

# School Model
App.School = DS.Model.extend
  addr:       DS.belongsTo('App.Addr')

  name:       DS.attr 'string'
  status:     DS.attr 'string'

# Address Model
App.Addr = DS.Model.extend
  school:   DS.belongsTo 'App.School'

  line1:    DS.attr 'string'
  city:     DS.attr 'string'
  state:    DS.attr 'string'
  iso:      DS.attr 'string'

And here is the JSON response from my server:

      "line1":"122 Evergreen Terrace",

My adapter is set up as follows:

    App.Store = DS.Store.extend
      revision: 11
      adapter: DS.RESTAdapter.create({
        url: "http://localhost:8000/api"
        serializer: DS.RESTSerializer.extend
        primaryKey: (type) ->

UPDATE: I've tried to map the addr property, as follows. Still no dice...

DS.RESTAdapter.map 'App.School', 
  addr: { embedded: 'always'}

In my template, I'd like to do something like this...

   <script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="school">
      <h2>School: {{name}}</h2>
      <p> Status: {{ status }}</p>
      <p> Address: {{ addr.line1 }} {{ addr.city }} </p>

The name and status properties render fine. But addr.line1 and addr.city are blank. Is there a way to get Ember to recognize the nested addr propeties?


like image 344
Chris Avatar asked Jan 29 '13 20:01


1 Answers

Since you're embedding the addr JSON in your schools JSON you need to setup the mapping in the DS.RESTAdapter.

DS.RESTAdapter.map 'App.School',
  addr: { embedded: 'always' }

The embedded option can have two values, 1) always, 2) load.

See Yehuda's answer here for the details: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14324532/1409279

like image 81
sma Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09
