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Where do you place a simple variable in the Ember App Kit file structure so it can be accessed by a template file?



Using this example: jsbin

Where would I put this line of code:

App.name = 'White'

in the EAK file structure so that it will render on the index page as in the example?

like image 355
EdgarAllenPoe Avatar asked May 18 '14 03:05


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1 Answers

I'm not sure if this is the right way. But generally EAK tries to avoid polluting the global namespace. So a method to have globals accessible every where is to use initializers to register a globals dependency and inject them to all the controllers. This is the same way ember data injects the store to the controller.

Inside app/initializers create global.js file

var globals = Ember.Object.extend({
  name: 'Edgar Allen Poe'

export default {
  name: "Globals",

  initialize: function(container, application) {
    container.typeInjection('component', 'store', 'store:main');
    application.register('global:variables', globals, {singleton: true});
    application.inject('controller', 'globals', 'global:variables');

This will inject the globals to all the controllers. You can refer it in a template like

like image 112
blessanm86 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09
