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How do I set test.testLogging.showStandardStreams to true from the command line?



It is convenient to debug some of external libraries and even internal code while writing unit tests by reviewing the logging on stdout.

While I can add test.testLogging.showStandardStreams = true to the build.graddle file, I'd rather do something less permanent, such as setting this flag from the command line execution of gradle.

I've tried several approaches, none seem to work:

gradle test -Dtest.testLogging.showStandardStreams=true
gradle test -Ptest.testLogging.showStandardStreams=true

And other variations of those options by changing the property string. Nothing seems to do the trick.

How do I set test.testLogging.showStandardStreams=true from the command line?

like image 622
Bill Door Avatar asked Jan 29 '14 21:01

Bill Door

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3 Answers

There is no built-in way to set build model properties from the command line. You'll have to make the build script query a system or project property that gets passed in via -D or -P, respectively.

like image 168
Peter Niederwieser Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10

Peter Niederwieser

Just use environment variables:

test {
    testLogging.showStandardStreams = (System.getenv('PRINTF_DEBUG') != null)

Now run your test case like this:

PRINTF_DEBUG=1 ./gradlew test --tests=com.yourspace.yourtest

This will run enable console output and just run one single test case. You often not want to enable console output for the entire test suite because of the noise generated.

like image 38
Guido Flohr Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10

Guido Flohr

You can override it like this

gradle -Doverride.test.testLogging.info.showStandardStreams=true test

or you can add this to your gradle.properties either in the project or in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties

like image 21
conorgriffin Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10
