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Using a wildcard in gradle copy task



I'd like to copy a directory using a wildcard, however the from method of the Gradle copy task doesn't accept a wildcard.

// this doesn't work
task copyDirectory(type: Copy) {
        from "/path/to/folder-*/"
        into "/target"
// this does
task copyDirectory(type: Copy) {
        from "/path/to/folder-1.0/"
        into "/target"
like image 997
pnewhook Avatar asked Dec 05 '16 22:12


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1 Answers

Just use 'include' task property to specify exact files ot directories you need to copy, something like this:

task copyDirectory(type: Copy) {
    from "/path/to/"
    include 'test-*/'
    into "/target"

Update: if you want to copy only directories content, then you have to deal with every file separately, something like this:

task copyDirectory(type: Copy) {
    from "/path/to/"
    include 'test-*/'
    into "/target"
    eachFile {
        def segments = it.getRelativePath().getSegments() as List
        return it
    includeEmptyDirs = false
like image 129
Stanislav Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09
