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Rebuild required after changing xml layout files in Android Studio

I am developing android applications and I am using Android Studio.

There is a problem though. When I change the source and I run the app it works fine, But when I change a resource it does not change until I do a Clean Project. e.g. I add a button and run the app, the button does not exist but when I do a clean project it is there. Android studio shows an error when accessing the id of the newly added view.

Please help me solve this problem. Any help would be much appreciated.

Additional information: -Android Studio version: 1.3.1 -Operating system: windows -Gradle version: 2.6


I am having multiple directories as my resources with gradle like this:

     main  {
         manifest.srcFile 'src/main/AndroidManifest.xml'
         java.srcDirs = ['src/main/java', '.apt_generated']
         aidl.srcDirs = ['src/main/aidl', '.apt_generated']
         res.srcDirs = [

When i try to run the project with changed layout it says:

No apk changes detected. Skipping file upload, force stopping package instead. DEVICE SHELL COMMAND: am force-stop com.my.package

like image 974
Saeed Entezari Avatar asked Aug 31 '15 18:08

Saeed Entezari

1 Answers

I resolved my problem by not using nested resource folders. I have multiple resource folders though. The workaround is creating your additional resource folders beside your res folder not inside it. My gradle changes like this:

     main  {
         manifest.srcFile 'src/main/AndroidManifest.xml'
         java.srcDirs = ['src/main/java', '.apt_generated']
         aidl.srcDirs = ['src/main/aidl', '.apt_generated']
         res.srcDirs = [

All the changes in additional resource folders now take effect without cleaning and rebuilding the project. I hope it helps you.

like image 96
Saeed Entezari Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 12:10

Saeed Entezari